Crushing falls

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Natasha rolled her eyes. A little part of her had been expecting this, but she was still annoyed. She remained completely still, hoping that the bulky man would eventually give up.

Over time, he pulled out some food and began munching. He had packed a small bag with multiple meals and other necessities, having every intention of keeping his word until she finally gave up and made an appearance. He knew his resolve had grown to be as strong as hers. As he ate, he tried to make as much noise as possible, making loud sounds of contentment as he chewed to remind her that he wasn't going anywhere.

Natasha's irritation only grew. She could feel his presence and it put her on edge. She was already dealing with enough nervousness on her own, specifically having fled the others so she take the time to push through her issues by herself. Having someone there to force her to speak only increased the anger-filled anxiety.

After over three hours of them sitting in silence, waiting for the other to make the first move, Natasha had enough.

"Fuck off, Rogers. Leave me alone!"



"Romanoff, just get your ass down here."

Steve's tone was patient, but firm, as he waited for her to appear from behind the waterfall. He'd known she was there all along and if spending time with Natasha had taught him anything, it was that you needed to be as hard-headed as she was sometimes.

Natasha growled. She didn't want to have to deal with him, but he was leaving her no choice. She considered whether it was appropriate to bring her knife as she left her hibernation to speak to him.

Natasha stepped out barely from behind the waterfall, just enough to put her in view of Steve.

"Fine! You've seen me. We've talked. Now, get the hell out of here!"

Natasha glared at him, her lip curled into a snarl. It quaked with the anger that rippled through her face. But Steve just starred back at her calmly, his body and face relaxed. If anything, seeing him like this made her more exasperated.

"Nat, just come down and sit with me. Just for a bit. Then I'll leave you alone if you still want me to. I promise."

Natasha continued to stare him down. She did her best to burn holes through him with her eyes, wishing that she had it as a special ability. Again, he didn't change his response.

"See, I brought you some good food." Steve took a couple of sealed containers from his bag. "It's got to be better than the PB&J's you are struggling to put together. What are you even using to make them? The knife on your hip?"

Natasha's expression broke a little at his comment. "Why do you say that?"

"Nat, you're dinner knife is in the rocks at the bottom of the falls. I can only assume you dropped it in there at some point. It's how I knew to find you here."

Natasha looked down, and sure enough, there was the tiniest glint of silver peaking out from where the crashing water met the rocks. She swore under her breath.

"Here, get some food. I brought you a new knife too, if that's easier. You are going to stab yourself trying to use that big blade in a peanut butter jar."

Steve opened up a container that appeared to be filled with spaghetti and meatballs and put it next to him. He brought out a bottle of sports drink as well.

Natasha rolled her eyes. She wanted to go back into her cave, be done with Steve, and return to hiding. But she also knew he really wouldn't leave until they spoke. Plus, the food in the container made her stomach rumble loudly, begging for a meal other than her regular sandwich.

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