A guide...

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Thanks so much for reading!

First, let me say that this is my first time writing something like this, so I hope folks like it!

I am taking what I know from the movies, reading other fanfic, and what I can find online. I have NOT read the comics (at least as of yet), so it may not be strict to their actual plot. Additionally, this isn't strict to the MCU timelines and I'll be taking some liberties there. It is supposed to take place following CA: Civil War and the post-credit scene with Bucky and before any Infinity War craziness.

At the end of each chapter, I'm going to add a song recommendation that I think fits with the chapter. Definitely check them out and chime in with your own suggestions in the comments! I hope that songs gives an added dimension to the story.


***I do not own any rights to any Marvel characters, the comics, MCU, stories, histories, plots, etc. My writing is entirely my own and, as such, ask that you not copy it to other websites or forums without my express permission.***

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