Time to Defrost

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As Steve, Sam, and Natasha disembarked the quinjet, Natasha quickly scanned the small group that awaited their arrival. T'Challa stood up front to welcome them, Shuri and Okoye at his sides, and a small group of Wakandans in a half-moon behind them. She searched the faces. No Bucky.

The group stood before magnificent doors, at least 30 feet tall and hand carved hard wood, leading directly into the royal palace. Natasha, letting her guard down, became entranced by the immense grandeur of where they would be staying during their time in Wakanda. The wooden doors looked tiny compared to the scale of the rest of the building, a combination of carved natural stone and some kind of sand mixture that sparkled in the sunlight. Safe to assume that vibranium had been mixed into the sandy material, not only for strength, but for it's beauty in this application. Balcony's lush with trailing green plants and colorful flowers jutted out against the facade. It looked like a modern Babylon.

"King T'Challa, it is so good to see you again." Steve immediately greeted the King with a hug. They had fought on opposite sides during the Civil War, but they quickly found common ground in their strong morals and hope for peace. Now they could move forward together, as friends.

"Welcome back, Steve. We are so happy to have you return, especially now that you can enjoy our home for a little longer. You deserve to breathe a little." T'Challa's words relieved any lingering worries he had about imposing on the king. Steve's face relaxed and smiled a bit more.

Sam shook T'Challa's hand. "Good to see you again, man. Sorry we had to bust you up so badly during the battle." Sam smirked trying to lighten things, as he had spent very little time with T'Challa previously, mostly antagonizing him.

T'Challa gave him a smile in return. "Just don't forget you're in the land of the panther now. Miss Romanoff, always happy to have you join us."

Natasha gave T'Challa a big hug. "Please call me Natasha or whatever other ridiculous nicknames the boys call me. We'll be staying in your home, so I think we've moved past formalities." Natasha gave her signature smirk, warm and a sassy.

"I think some of you may have met them before, but let me introduce my sister, Shuri, and my right hand, Okoye. You will see lots of them around the palace, and if you need anything, they are probably even more helpful than I would be."

"Yes, don't ask him for anything. It's a lost cause." T'Challa shot Shuri a brotherly look at her immediate snarky comment. Everyone else laughed. Steve, Sam, and Natasha were shaking hands with Shuri and Okoye just as a familiar face started to walk through the small group of Wakandans.

"It's so nice and warm out here. I guess it's time to defrost..."

Listen to: "Heart" - Darkside

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