The Big Goal!

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Hey party people!

Okay, so you've been getting a lot of pseudo-chapters from me recently (stick with me-more real ones on both Untangling a Future and Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts coming ASAP). But I have one last one for you.

It has been about ten months since I joined Wattpad and since I started writing Untangling a Memory. In that time, I have hit many milestones: over 150 followers, 5 books, 2 books hitting #1 on a chart, and tens of thousands of reads on my main series. All of it is more than I ever could have imagined or asked for.

The more I have thought about my 1 year Wattpad anniversary coming up, the more I have thought about a goal for that milestone, a huge accomplishment to mark it all, and I've come up with something: I want to try to get to 100,000 reads on Untangling a Memory. Right now (the start of July 2021), there are still just over 30,000 reads to go and about two months and one week to make it happen. I know this is a HUGELY ambitious goal, but the only way I can do it is with your help!

If you are willing, I'd love if you can share this book with a couple of friends who might be interested. I know MANY of you already have and I love you for it- it's what's helped keep things going so far. So, to help entice everyone to help me achieve my goal, I am offering the following: if we can get to 100,000 reads by Sept 7, 2021 (my Wattpad anniversary), I will add a chapter to Untangling a Memory with ALL of the Easter Eggs from this book!

Everyone knows I love me some Easter eggs (I wrote two books to collect them from the Marvel TV series). What you may or may not have realized is that I have included them in all of my own writing. Some are from the MCU, some might be from the comics, but many are ones that come from elsewhere as a means to enhance the story.

I hope you will help me toward my goal of 100,000 reads on Untangling a Memory and continue to share this book (and my other writing) with those you think you will enjoy them. They are a labor of love and it's wonderful to know that others care about them as much as I do.

High-fives, hugs, and love!


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