You finish up your work and check it twice to make sure everything is completed. You get an extra printed copy for him to submit and collate and file it, nicely making it ready to submit. You also put his name and id on the first page, so all he'll need to do on Thursday is submit the file. You then pack up your things and leave the library. It is already dark by the time you leave and you feel very hungry, suddenly. Your stomach grumbles which makes you very annoyed, also because you remember you didn't have much food left at home. You were walking somewhat angrily towards the parking lot to get into your car to drive to your apartment. While you are walking engrossed in your own thoughts, you see Obito at a distance walking with his shoulders drooped like he was trying to make himself small. He was too far to call out to him, so you run towards where he is, slowing down only to cross the road. He was walking faster than you were though his longer legs carrying him at a higher speed, you need to jog to catch up to him. 

"Hey Obito", you pant and he turns around to see you. 

"I am sorry for today, you can tell the professor I did not work on it", he says curtly and starts walking again. 

"Obito stop, I need to talk to you", you say and keep following him but he does not stop. You don't give up either and keep following him a little further. Annoyed at you not leaving him alone, he finally takes a sharp turn behind the next building. The back of the building is largely covered by trees, and it was already dark, so you both were almost invisible to anyone on the road on the other side. 

"What do you want?", he barks suddenly looking at you. "Do you want to tease me like others too? I am sure you saw the video and what happened. I don't know why I even did it in the first place, such a stupid thing to do", he says talking loudly to himself more than he was talking to you.

 "Obito..", you start. 

"What?", he snaps at you again.

 "I just came to give you this and see if you are okay", you say and shove the file in his hand. 

He looks down at the file you gave him and can see his name, ID, assignment number through the translucent cover of the file. He realizes it was his assignment that you had already completed for him. He feels a tinge of remorse and looks up at you, in a bit of a shock but now it was your turn to snap. You were already annoyed and hungry. 

"And as for that dumb video, I didn't see it, I don't care about it. Neither do I care about your 'stupid little group', okay? Stop yelling at me, jeez", you say air quoting and making a snarky face. 

All you wanted to do was give him the assignment and check up on him. You weren't friends with him, nor with his friends except maybe Asuma. They were the cool kids; Rin, Kakashi, Obito, Asuma, Kurenai, Guy. You and Asuma were childhood friends and went to school together, but since coming to college, your groups changed and you didn't hang out as much. Kurenai and him were inseparable and he usually remembered you when she was away from campus. It was really hard for you to hate her since she was nice and made Asuma really happy but that didnt mean you weren't jealous of her with every bone in your body. You usually hung out with Hayate and Yugao as a third wheel and they were totally your family away from home. You could get through everything as long as they were by your side.

He opens his mouth to say something but you just walk off. You didn't care what he wanted to say in that moment. You stomp away to the parking lot, find your car and drive off. 

Obito reaches home and stares at his assignment file not believing that you did it for him. It was a big deal for him, especially because he felt alone after what happened. He felt like no one cared about what he felt and his group basically laughed the whole thing off. Everyone knew Rin liked Kakashi and they found it stupid that Obito asked her out, knowing that. Kakashi didn't care about her more than as a friend, and didn't give in to her advances but that didn't stop her from pursuing him. 

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now