XV. America's Pastime

Start from the beginning

"He's right outside. He wanted to meet you... officially."

"Jasper's here too," Evelyn added, "so you can meet them both."

Charlie sighed loudly, glancing between both girls pointedly. "Alright," he said finally, loudly flipping up his shotgun to put the pieces back together. "Bring 'em in."

"And Dad? Could you be nice? He's - they're - important." Bella gave him a stern, pointed look, and Evelyn almost laughed at how similar she looked to her father in that moment.

Charlie rolled his eyes, using his finger to dramatically trace an invisible halo above his head. Bella shot Evelyn an exasperated look, but Evelyn could only shrug in response. With Charlie, that was probably about as good as it was going to get. Bella pursed her lips, unsure if her Dad would cooperate, but she hurried from the room to let Edward and Jasper in.

Charlie stared after her for a moment before turning back to Evelyn. "Do you know this Edward kid very well?"

Evelyn nodded. "Don't worry, Bella's in good hands. Edward wouldn't hurt her. Besides, Charlie, it's just a first date. Perfectly innocent."

"Mhmm, innocent," Charlie scoffed. "I'm holding you to that, you know," he warned, pointing a stern finger at her.

Evelyn raised her hand to her forehead in a mock salute. "You got it, Chief Swan."

They were interrupted by Bella reentering the room, Edward and Jasper following close behind. Bella and Edward stopped in front of Charlie, who had stood to greet them. Jasper stayed next to Edward, but immediately his eyes found Evelyn. She offered him a small smile, and he responded with a barely noticable wink.

"Chief Swan," Edward started, extending his hand to Charlie, who was doing his best to look intimidating. "I wanted to formally introduce myself, my name is Edward Cullen."

"Hi, Edward," Charlie responded as he shook Edward's offered hand. He turned his sharp gaze to Jasper. "And you must be Evelyn's friend."

Jasper held out his hand, a polite smile on his face as Charlie shook it. "Jasper Hale. It's a pleasure to meet you, Chief Swan.

"We shouldn't be out too late tonight," Edward assured. "We're just going to play baseball with my family."

Charlie looked surprised as he glanced between Edward, Bella, and Jasper. "Baseball?

"Yes sir, that's the plan," Edward said, sounding the most polite that Evelyn had ever heard him. Kiss-up, she thought briefly, and she didn't miss Edward's eyes flicker to hers, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. She covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hide her grin.

"I could see Evelyn being fine, but you think Bella is going to play baseball?" Charlie sounded incredulous; honestly, Evelyn didn't blame him. Bella was notoriously unathletic. "Well... good luck with that."

Edward smiled as he looked affectionately at Bella. "I'll take good care of her, I promise."

Charlie, unable to think of anything else to interrogate Edward with, nodded once, giving his approval for the group to go. Jasper and Edward made their way out the door, Evelyn following close behind. She heard Charlie stop Bella behind her as she walked out into the chilly evening air to ask if she still had the pepper spray that he had given her, and she was unable to hold back the laugh that escaped her as she met Jasper and Edward at the Jeep.


Almost as soon as the Jeep had come to a stop, Jasper had Evelyn's door open and seatbelts undone, lifting her out of the car and onto the damp grass. He pulled out a vintage Houston Astros baseball hat from his back pocket with a grin.

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