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My name is Akira Wesley. You can call me Aki for short.

Well, how can I start? hmm…

Yeah, right!


People always think that I am a weirdo, a nerd, an antisocial person, in short I am a LOSER through their eyes.

You heard it right. Why did I down myself like that? Why did I let them win against me?

I didn't want to, but it always ended up like this. Who am I to joke around with those people who always think that they are superior to others? As you can tell, I am not one of them.

You know why I am around them? Well, it is simple as it is. We don't have enough money to sustain our daily living.

So, I have to work while studying, that's why I ended up with this bunch of brats.

As long as I didn't step on someone else's life, then I have nothing to worry about.

Once I finish my course and find a better job, I'm gonna leave here.


I have my childhood best friend, Aronie, A.K.A. Ron.

He's 2 years older than me. We have been classmates since elementary up to college. We also had the same course, which technically not necessarily for a best friend that even college has the same course. But why not? He likes it and I love my course too, we were studying B.S. in Nursing.

We are now in our 4th year and after this we'll have an internship at a well-known hospital in our city, The “Oak Hospital”.
But before that thing happened they gave us a requirement which is, we can be an intern to their hospital if our academic grades included on top 50 students in the whole campus.

Imagine how many people I need to battle with, to be on that top list?
We're almost 1,000 students in our College Department, meaning each college department has a total of 1,000 students.
So, I don't know if I can do it or not, but better to try than never as what people said. I really want to be part of their internship, so I will do all my best to be one of the top 50 students in the whole campus.

That is my goal since as I said at the very beginning I need to get out of this hell.

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