Taehyung felt a pang in his head.

"He pushed me out of his room and left me in the cold that night because of you!"

She tightened her fist "That is something I'll never forgive the both of you for"

Taehyung couldn't say a word. He was filled with shock. She was the second person confirming that Jimin liked him.

Suddenly, she laughed. "But I'm sorry for him. No matter what he does, you will never feel the same will you?" That is the only thing that can give me satisfaction"

It was like his soul had left his body because he stood there rigid on the spot. Suzy glanced at him. "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling confused?"

"Don't worry because even if he does like you, it won't get anywhere. Don't forget that Jimin is a flirt and he can never be content with one person. you'll only be a passing thought to him. Nothing more. I'm sure of that"

After saying that, she walked away. Taehyung dragged his leg slowly. He didn't know what to believe but then again, he didn't know why he was worried about Suzy's last words. He left the school grounds and entered the main street but he was so deep in thought, he didn't notice a black power bike heading straight towards him. Before he caught sight of it, the bike was already so close, it would be impossible to dodge it.


He fell to the ground as he heard the sound of the bones on his left leg dislocating. He didn't know when he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he heard the voice of someone talking on the phone. He was lying on a bed inside a room that resembled the ones in a hospital.

He turned and saw a young boy on the phone. He was thin and slender. His hair was dyed orange and his whole person screamed wealth.

"Yes, he's here. He fainted. Please calm down. He'll be fine."

The boy stopped the call and looked at him. As soon as their eyes met, he smiled. He looked really bright when he smiled.

"You're finally awake" The boy said cheerfully

Taehyung nodded. "Who are you?"

"Um... sorry. My name's Jung Hoseok. I'm the one who hit you with my bike"

Taehyung remembered the incident as he looked at his left leg which was all bandaged up.

"I'm so sorry about this. I'm a transfer student so I'm not that aware of this new sorrounding. I was trying to take a short cut. I didn't see you ahead and I ended up hitting you"

"It's okay"

"No...I'm ready to compensate for this"

Taehyung shook his head. "it's not totally your fault. I was too deep in thoughts, I wasn't looking where I was going"

Hoseok shrugged. "Anyway, I almost forgot" He showed Taehyung his phone "Your friend called and I told him you had an accident. He was extremely worried about you. He said he's on his way"

Taehyung shook visibly. "Is the name of my friend Jimin?"

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah!"

He stared as Taehyung's expression dropped. Taehyung couldn't believe he got into an accident because he was busy absorbed in his thoughts of Jimin.

Hoseok chatted with him and Taehyung discovered he was a third year engineering student transferring from a university abroad. Taehyung liked talking to him basically because he had good manners and the both of them seemed to click really well. He was hoping that they would become good friends after this.

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