31. Forgive

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Chapter 31: Forgive

Wang Yibo's eyes were covered and he passed out. When he woke up, his eyes were still covered but he could hear things. He pretended to be unconscious and listened to the conversation.

"Haikuan-ge, who is he?"

"He is Yibo, I don't know what he did to provoke Zanjin."

"Yibo... Yi.... Bo.... Oh!! I met him once at the beach! When I was with Sizhui and Rulan, I met him. He's a nice guy, why would boss want to torture him?"

"I wonder too. He knew some of Zanjin's tricks, they are probably enemies long ago."

"tsk tsk tsk. Poor guy..."

The door opened. Another person came in. Wang Yibo continued acting unconscious, his neck was hurting but he endured it.

"boss said I have to clean him. Do you mind?" the person who just came in said.

"no problem. Proceed." the voice that seemed to belong to Haikuan spoke.

Wang Yibl quitted acting unconscious. He sat properly, with a weak voice, he said, "No one is allowed to touch me unless it's my bunny."

"Sizhui, just untie him, I'll be sure to guard the door." Haikuan said.

In just a while, Wang Yibo was untied. Je removed his blindfold and saw three people. One at the left, another at the right , and the last, in front of him.

"you two, I never expected you to be involved in this kind of shits." Wang Yibo smirked.

"If I have money then I wouldn't come here" Jingyi replied.

"You can work as a manager, just say you want quick money so you're  here." Sizhui said.

Wang Yibo didn't know if he should laugh.

"You're really stupid Sizhui. I have low academics!" Jingyi glared.

Sizhui looked at Wang Yibo. He gave him a wet towel, "I believe you can manage."

Wang Yibo scoffed. "thanks"


"ZHAN FOR GOODNESS'S SAKE!! Get a hold of yourself!!!" Wu Jiacheng yelled.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! I'm going there! With or without your help!"

"Zhan! Please!" Meng Ziyi held Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan looked at her, his eyes gave a speech of good bye. "I'm sorry. I have to go." He left the house with his backpack.

"FATHER! Please allow me to go with him!" Meng Ziyi pleaded.

"no! You are the only girl in the family! If you die with him then I wouldn't accept that!"

"Father! Please. Let us go. We can't let him die." Wu Jiacheng stood beside Meng Ziyi. Yan Xujia went beside them too. "We will take care. Our squad will never be broken. We will come back with minimal injuries."

"If one of you doesn't come back, I'll surely end your lives! GO! Before I change my mind!"

The three of them ran outside, they stepped over the dead bodies and caught up.

Xiao Zhan was happy to see them. "From childhood"

"to adulthood" Yan Xujia continued.

"When we have our families" Meng Ziyi went along although it has been a long time since they last did this.

"Our squad..." Wu Jiacheng continued.

"Will never break apart!" the four of them said in a volume slightly louder.


"are you done?" Haikuan asked Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo smirked and threw the towel at Sizhui. He was surprised with Sizhui's response, he just took the towel without a word and stood up. "do you wanna change your clothes?"

"you're too kind to be a criminal." Wang Yibo said

"I don't want to be one but I have no choice."

"But you can work as a police"

"Don't question me." Sizhui left the room and Zhu Zanjin came in. He looked at Jingyi and Haikuan, telling them to leave. The two left and they were left alone inside.

"What do you want?" Wang Yibo asked.

"long story. It will start from your damn father! Your father, killed my uncle. My father avenged my uncle but in the end, he died."

"If your uncle didn't try to kill me then my father would've let him go! And if your father wasn't stupid to come and avenge your uncle knowing that we are stronger then he'd be alive!"

"Well you didn't die!"

"It was a last minute decision! The knife was at my throat!"

"then why didn't your father just forgive my uncle?"

"why didn't your father forgive my father?"

Silence covered the air. Wang Yibo spoke again "everyone made a mistake. We are not included here, just forgive them all."

"That sin is unforgivable"

"there's no way out. If we won't be able to forgive them, it will be an endless war between families."


"Don't be so stubborn."

Zhu Zanjin's phone rang. It was Yu Wen.

"he's here...... Ok...... She wants to talk to you"

He gave the phone to Wang Yibo. "you are his damn friend." he said.

"but if I eliminate you, I can have him."

"His heart has only his family and me, if one of them dies, that spot will be gone as well. You can never replace anyone in his heart"

"I am his friend. I will succeed for sure"

"Believe your lies."

Zhu Zanjin took the phone back. "that's enough talk." he ended the call and went outside.


"you're too kind to be a criminal." Wang Yibo said

"I don't want to be one but I have no choice."

"But you can work as a police"

"Don't question me." Sizhui left the room.

Jingyi looked at Sizhui as soon as the door closed. "that makes me wonder too, Sizhui. Why are you working as a criminal? You have high academics, you're rich, and just like he said a while ago, you're too kind to be a criminal."

Sizhui stayed quiet for a while. Because I want to be with you, I will do all it takes to be with you. I don't want to be just a friend but I don't want to end this bond we have.

"Sizhui?" Jingyi spoke

"No special reason." Sizhui smiled and proceeded to their room.

Jingyi didn't want to argue with this smart person, he is smart in almost all aspects. But he knew for sure that Sizhui didn't entirely want to be a criminal.

"Haikuan-ge, why are you smiling?" Jingyi asked.

"poor kid. He left signs for you to discover." He said and left him there confused.


Should I continue Sizhui and Jingyi's story?

Kindly inform me if there are any mistakes. Also, please feel free to ask questions. Thank you and stay safe!

It's Called Murder (YiZhan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz