4. By The Street

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Chapter 4: By The Street

3rd Person POV

"fine. You like it that way?!"

Wu Jiacheng yelled and ended the call. Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and let it out with some of his troubles.

"What happened?" Wang Yibo asked.

"Let's play a game. All we need to do is hide from my brother."

"go to the cloth store. Buy a wig and a skirt" Wang Yibo laughed. He started imagining how Xiao Zhan would look like if he actually did that.


"wait what? You're really gonna buy a skirt?"

"no! buy a disguise! and no. I'm not gonna be a girl."

At the clothing store, Xiao Zhan looked through each clothing while Wang Yibo was looking at the wigs. He laughed at each thought he had.

Xiao Zhan chose a Black sweater and jogging pants. He went to the cashier and paid. Wang Yibo saw a cap with a wig attached to it, he found it fun and so he bought it.

"seriously why did you buy that?" Xiao Zhan asked after he changed his clothes.

"it looks funny" Wang Yibo wore the cap and looked at the mirror. He cracked up when he saw his girl version.

"tch. stupid" Xiao Zhan laughed too.

"You just changed clothes, are you sure he won't recognize you?" Wang Yibo took the cap off and returned it into the shopping bag.

"I don't have these kind of clothes, and this is not my style, its too hot"

They walked into a restaurant and had lunch. While they were eating, Xiao Zhan received a call from Wu Jiacheng.

WJ: I see you

XZ: Liar. Where am I then?

WJ: In a restaurant. Having dumplings and noodles.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened. He looked around and didn't see Wu Jiacheng. Wang Yibo looked around as well.

"he saw you?" he asked.

"But I don't see him"

"He's behind you"

"how would you even know his fa---" Xiao Zhan turned around and saw Wu Jiacheng.

Wang Yibo thrusted the fork into the dumpling and stood up. He walked close to Wu Jiacheng and smiled.

"want some?"

"no. Why would I wa---"

He placed the dumplings in Wu Jiacheng's mouth and dragged Xiao Zhan out of the restaurant. Wang Yibo carried Xiao Zhan on his back and went on his skateboard. With skills that he learned through the years, he avoided bumping into someone.

Wu Jiacheng was about to run after them but an employee stopped him. "Sir you have to pay for their bill"

He was annoyed. He took out his wallet and gave a card with his name and contact number. "I promise I will pay but I don't have cash right now. I have to get that bastard" Then he rushed out of the restaurant.

He looked left and right and saw Xiao Zhan on someone's back, riding a skateboard. They sped on the road.

Wu Jiacheng chased them until he couldn't run anymore. He took a taxi and asked the driver to chase them.

"Wang Yibo if I fall I'll definitely kill you!" Xiao Zhan screamed with his face buried on Wang Yibo's shoulder.

Wang Yibo smirked and increased the speed of the skateboard. Xiao Zhan got more scared and screamed louder.

The taxi driver chased the two of them. Of course the car is faster than the skateboard. Their wheels rolled beside each other, not until Wang Yibo entered a street where cars can't fit. Wu Jiacheng left the taxi without paying and chased Xiao Zhan.

He begun to lose his patience. Wu Jiacheng pulled out his gun and shot Wang Yibo's foot. It was pure luck that Wang Yibo managed to dodge that.

"holy shit!" Wang Yibo exclaimed without looking bad.

"you got hit?" Xiao Zhan still had his head buried to Wang Yibo's shoulder.

"almost" Wang Yibo replied. 

Wu Jiacheng got irritated and shot another bullet. It did hit Wang Yibo but the bullet didn't go inside him. The bullet passed by his foot, it created a thick line. His foot bled badly.

"You have to go down and run. I'm injured, my feet are getting tired." Wang Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan slowly looked at him. "It doesn't matter, he has a gun."

Wang Yibo smiled and took a pocket knife. "I'll try to stop him. Go."

"thank you, stranger. Wang Yibo, let's be friends from now. Bye" Xiao Zhan ran. Wu Jiacheng tried to shoot him but Xiao Zhan dodged.

They're both good at these things. Why wouldn't they be? They are the sons of the largest gang. And the reason Wu Jiacheng found Xiao Zhan is through tracking. It took a while but he managed to find Xiao Zhan.

As soon as Wu Jiacheng was close to where Wang Yibo squatted down, Wang Yibo injured him with a pocket knife. The knife was sharp enough to injure him, but it wasn't long enough to stop Wu Jiacheng from running.

"You!" Wu Jiacheng widened his eyes and shot a bullet. Wang Yibo only saw one person pull a trigger but he heard two gunshots.

He didn't feel any bullet go through him. He opened his eyes and saw two bullets on the ground, the other pierced the other. Such an accurate way of shooting. He looked around and saw Yan Xujia.

"I don't have to waste my time on you"

Wang Yibo stared at Yan Xujia in disbelief. What mess did I get into? Yan Xujia smiled at him and chased Xiao Zhan. Wu Jiacheng knows what's inside Yan Xuji's mind.

"Ge!!! Let's play catch!" Yan Xujia yelled 5 meters away from Xiao Zhan. He threw a gun accurately at Xiao Zhan's hand.

"You stubborn kid!" Xiao Zhan catched the gun and stopped running. He ran backwards and aimed the gun at his best. Fuck!

He tripped. And he accidentally pulled the trigger. Who knew where'd it go? 

Xiao Zhan hit his head on the ground but luckily his arms supported his body so the impact wasn't that hard. His vision went blurry.


Xujia? Why Xujia? I shot him?! This is stupid...

Xiao Zhan stood up, he felt like he would collapse any time soon. His vision wasn't clear enough to see which part of Xujia did he shoot.

Seconds later, his vision slowly came back with an awful head ache. Thank goodness it's just his arm.

Yan Xujia looked at his worried brothers. "It's just an arm." He smiled and took his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello? I'm here at..." Yan Xujia stated the exact place where they were and asked his driver to pick them up.

A few minutes later, a car came and stopped near them. Xiao Zhan sat at the backseat with Yan Xujia and Wu Jiacheng was at the front seat.

"Where will we go?" Xiao Zhan asked anxiously.

"The cafe." Yan Xujia replied.

"I'm sorry Xujia."

"It's okay. Help me wrap my wound." Yan Xujia smiled. Xiao Zhan smiled back and helped him.

"When we get to the cafe let's talk properly... Please." Yan Xujia looked at his brothers.


Kindly inform me if there are any mistakes. Also, please feel free to ask questions.

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