"When we first met, I noticed the scars you had on your arms, and at the attraction, I noticed you were limiting yourself on purpose," Melissa explained, "So I thought your quirk is a bit too strong to handle." Izuku was surprised. "She figured it out," he said to himself.

"I made the boots very durable," she told him, "It should be able to handle the full power of your quirk up to 3 times.

"This is amazing, I don't know how to thank both of you." Izuku says.

"No need to thank us, just use the items and tell the world about our babies, simple right?." Mei tells the green-haired boy.

"Now the thunder gauntlet has a similar function but I based it off of the game I gave you earlier, Jojo."

"Oh yeah, Spellbreak!" Kenshi said, "That game was a blast haha."

"Anyway, the gauntlets are programmed to release thunder whenever a punch connects or can be used to deliver simple punches that can rival Uncle Might's punches. You can also use the gauntlets in sync with your quirk so spells from the game, the attacks and all that stuff can also be done. The activation is the same as the Full Boots and pressing the power button twice opens a holographic menu that you can use to switch between strength mode, thunderer mode and spell casting mode." Melissa explains, "There's a 4th mode that hasn't been tested yet so I advise not using it just yet."

"So what do you think of them!" Mei asked all excitedly.

Kenshi tried it on. "You really outdone yourself with this," Kenshi said.

"Well this baby was my idea," Hatsume said. Melissa pulled out something else for Kenshi.

"Oh and Kenshi, I noticed that your costume was getting a bit old after a lot of use, so I took it upon myself to make you a costume, so here you go. ArcadeMan 2.0."

Outside in the hall, Davis was secretly taking a few pics. "Once his girlfriend sees these, she'll have to dump him," he said, smirking.

Kenshi smiled. "Thank you, Melissa and Hatsume. I don't know what to say."

"Oh, there's no need to say anything to us, the design was all Momo. She came to us a few days ago and asked us to help you with your costume. We just made the design a reality. So if you want to thank anyone, thank her." Melissa tells the gamer hero.

The doors opened. "I am here!" All Might said, "Just checking on my niece like a professional hero." Melissa turned to look at him. "Perfect timing Uncle Might," Melissa said, "I was just showing Izuku and Jojo some new support items I developed."

"Support items eh?" All Might asked.

Izuku nodded. "It's something that can help me out with my Shoot Style technique," he explained, "This object is supposed to stop me from giving myself serious injuries." All Might smirked. "Believe it or not Izuku, I actually tried a support item for myself at one point," he explained. Izuku was surprised. "You used a support item?!" Izuku asked, "How the hell did I not know that?!"

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