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[ I did not care for 1x05 so I am not gonna write it]

"So how is my little nugget Sara?" Natasha asks as she enters Anne apartment after greeting the others

"She is alright for now" Ruby responds

Natasha looks at the table to see the girls havent been making much she furrows her brows making a mental note to confront Rio about it when they are alone

"Ive never worked so hard for so little and I worked a service job" Ruby explains

"I say we get out" she confesses

"Are you serious?" Beth questions enjoying the job

"Were risking everything including our lives we barely our families and for what?" Ruby states

"For the money" Beth states as her and Anne makes faces

"You arent Exactly getting much" Natash says agreeing with Ruby

"Itd be one tjing if we were making mad bank but this? This isnt mad banks" Ruby says waving the small stack of cash around

Then sits the money down "I say we cut our losses now, before we caught or shot. She finishes

Beth eyes the bag of cash on Annes wooden counter not sure what she shoud do


Its night time Natasha , Beth , and Ruby are sitting at a wooden picnic table wating for the gangbanger while Anne is on swing

Natasha is eating a hotpocket while staring straight ahead Beth asks Anne for the last time to stop swinging

She gets off sitting next to Beth

Ruby says "just chill, its gonna be fine" as she looks a bit nervous herself

Anne scoffs "how do you figure ruby?" Natasha watches Beth she know the mother of four is thinking of a way to stay in the loop

"Just tell them the job wasnt for you and that your moving on" Natasha speaks up as she put hot sauce on the hot pocket

Anne rolls her eyes "Right yeah I'm sure he'll be totally with that" looking at the ground

"He seems nice" Natasha say hoping to lighten the mood

They all look at her "he seems nice to because arent doing anything " Anne says

"Dont catch an attitude because your sister decided to be a dumb ass she volunteered to help a gangster not me" Natasha replies as she rolls her eyes

Then it gets quiet again as Natasha takes a angry bite out of the hot pocket

"We've been laundering fake money for a street gang" Anne brings up

"So?" Ruby says

"So? Its not a college internship we cant be like, thanks , bye I learned so much" Anne states as a matter of fact

"There no getting out" she finishes

Out of nowhere Rio appears with men behind him "outta what?" As he eyes the women in front of him

They stand up while Ruby and Natasha sits down finishing her hot pocket

Rio keeps a straight face Ruby then clears her throat "we've been thinking just about , you know , your whole operation and our small role in it" she starts nervously

"And we've learned so much" she finishes

Beth interupts "but its not working for us" she admits with no warning

Beth hands him the bag he takes it then asks "how so?"

"We need more" Beth says


"So youre really gonna let them clean that much cash?" Natasha asks as she walks through their front door

"Why not its less work for us" Rio answer as he sits on the couch watching televison in a pair of basketball shorts and a white beater

"She has thing for you" Natasha states unzipping her jacket

Rio chuckles "I know I am using it" he admits

She walks up to him then leans down to whisper in his ear "if you use it too well I will shoot your dick off" then stands back up

"Come baby dont be jealous" Rio says as he get a little nervous

As calm as his girlfriend is if she is pushes to a certain point she will snap Rio hopes he never get her there by entertaining Ms.Bolland

Natasha goes into the kitchen to grab a snack out of the cabinet filled with edibles "I'm going to bed" she says as she closes their bedroom door

Then she eats the whole thing then she turn off the light then look at the ceiling for a bit then Natasha watches cat videos for an hour then she falls asleep


Later that week after the girls successfully wash the cash they meet up again with Rio

As his men are counting the money Beth asks him a question "do you have a life outside of this?"

Rio pauses from texting Natasha letting her know she will be getting pizza hut tonight he locks his phone putting hsi hands in his pocket s

"Why do you wanna know?" He retorts hating noisy people

"Im just curious" she replies hoping he'll talk

He sighs thinking for a minute then says "I gotta girl"

"Well then why were you making eyes at Natasha" she asks

"Dont worry about my girl isnt here" he answers then goes back to ignoring her on his phone

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