Chapter 1: Feasting with Sharks

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Azusa Sawa is a good girl

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Azusa Sawa is a good girl.

She does her homework on time, goes to school early, and she was always the class rep of her class every time. In fact, Sodoko frequently praises her as the embodiment of a morally upright student amidst a school full of morally ambiguous individuals. She didn't display any eccentricities in her wardrobe, which pleased the Morals Committee's eyes. She also wore her school uniform as prescribed. She even trimmed her short, dark-brown hair as was mandated.

In addition to her exemplary standing, she was known to be the more serious and level-headed of her fellow first years. As such, it was only natural that her teammates would vote for her as the tank commander of the Rabbit team. There were even rumors that she could be the next overall commander once Nishizumi Miho graduated.

Azusa Sawa was indeed a good girl, and this was the reason why she stuck out like a sore thumb inside this dimly-lit bar located on the lowest deck of the Ooarai school ship.

If given the option, she would have declined to come into this lawless part of the ship. However, her goody-two-shoes personality also made her an easy target for peer pressure. As such, she had no choice but to accept the invitation of their senpai host to meet them here in the bowels of the ship.

As a force of habit, she began to fidget with her fingers to calm herself whenever she was uncomfortable.

The tavern she was in seemed more fitting as a hangout place for ruffians and delinquents than a place an honor student would frequent.

She gave a quick glance towards the rest of her teammates, who all sat quietly beside her with varying degrees of anxiousness. Yuuki Utsugi, the primary loader, radio operator, and navigator of the M3 Lee, sat next to her left. The all-rounder member of the Rabbit Team had a worried expression on her face. Still, it seemed more due to anticipation rather than fear.

To Yuuki's left sat Ayumi Yamagou, the primary gunner of the M3 Lee. She was the tallest in the Rabbit Team, which meant she sometimes got mistaken as the most mature one of the group. She even got noted as a younger version of Hana Isuzu, the Anglerfish Team's famed gunner, with both being tall and sporting long black hair. In reality, she was as carefree as the rest of her first-year friends. However, this time, she seemed uneasy as if she carried the unfounded burden as the team's protector simply because of her height.

Azusa could relate to her unease as she too felt a sense of responsibility toward her team as their leader and commander. Then again, their primary host did assure her that no harm would come before her group here in the lower part of the school ship despite the number of delinquents hanging around.

Their primary host swore by her honor that they'd be safe, but Azusa still found it hard to trust the word of a self-proclaimed pirate completely.

Across the dinner table from Ayumi sat Aya Oono, the secondary gunner of the M3 Lee. She was the only one in the team to wear glasses as well as sporting a more liberal hairstyle with her long caramel-brown hair tied into twin tails to complete her bubbly personality. She seemed unperturbed by the situation. In fact, she even appeared eager at being inside an unfamiliar place.

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