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Chapter 20

Blaze PoV '

A month has passed, and here I am with Hunter, we're in the hospital. It's my check-up day today.

"How is she, doc?" Hun asked as soon as Doc returned from the x-ray room.

A deep sigh echoed in the entire room.

"Your brain is severely affected, Blaze. You need surgery as soon as possible," Doc said, and I looked at Hun.

I shook my head and bravely faced their gazes.

"No, doc. I don't want surgery. Besides, I'm still alive haha. You can't explain what's happening to me, but I have already surpassed five months. I'm still alive until now. I can handle this. I don't need surgery, I don't want to get better," I replied firmly, and they both just looked at me in surprise.

You may be wondering why I don't want to undergo surgery.

I don't want to because I'm scared... scared that it might not be successful, and I don't want to go through the struggle all by myself. Who else can I lean on? I don't want to depend on my family, because I know they will remind me of everything they've done for me. My only problem is my headache, and I don't want to die because of surgery. It's not that I don't trust doctors, but I prefer to spend my remaining days in peace. At least if I die, I am prepared and not just hoping to be cured.

"Amari! Wait," I heard Hun shout, so I stopped walking.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're walking too fast," he replied and hooked his arm around mine, making me laugh.

My phone rang, and I let go of his arm to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi! Yeobo!" My smile widened upon hearing my beloved's voice. Jackson gives me the courage to face my problems, along with my friends.

By the way, we're together now. Am I too flirtatious? Well, if it's Suga, 'I don't give a shit.'

"Oh, hello Yeobo," I greeted him and glanced at Hun, who walked ahead of me.

"Where are you?" he asked, oh no! I need a reason.

Uhmmm! What can I say?

"Ah, I'm at the bank, depositing money. Why? Do you miss me already?" I said with a smile, and went inside after Hun opened the door of his car.

"Hehe, yes. Hurry up and come to JYP E. We have a fan sign event to attend." Oh right, it starts at 12 sharp, I quickly looked at my watch and saw that it was already 11:46.

"Oh right, okay I'm on my way. See you!" I said.

"Okay, take care. I love you," he said.

"Hmm. I love you too," I replied, and hung up the phone, smiling while looking outside.

"You're happy," Hun said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm, why? Am I not allowed to be happy?" I asked with a smile.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Not like that, in fact, it's the first time I've seen you this happy in a while," he said and gave me a subtle look.

"Hehe. Well, only a little bit," I said, and he laughed and continued driving.

We arrived at JYP E. and I got off first.

I went inside and was greeted by Jackson, who was frowning. Only the Got7 members were inside and Hun was talking to Mark.

I noticed why Mark and Hun were so close to each other? Oh well, I'll just let it be.

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