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Location: Student Council Office

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Location: Student Council Office

Time: Aug 25. 1805 HRS - The evening after the Celebratory Exhibition Match

Never before had Anzu Kadotani felt the urged to commit murder as much as she did right now.

Merely watching the man standing in front of her made her want to abandon all notions of civility and just lunged at him and tore off his throat with her bare teeth. Of course, actually doing such a barbaric act was a surefire way to earn herself the title of the youngest person to be sent to death row in Japan. However, right now, at this moment, she firmly believed it would be the most satisfying thing she would ever do in her entire life.

Forcing rationality into her thoughts, the Student Council President closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath to bring down her cholers. If she snapped right now and gave in to her rage, then she could kiss all her year's worth of effort in saving their school goodbye.

When she opened her eyes, the fire burning within her was gone. She no longer felt her blood boiling with anger, and the shaking on her hands had stopped. Now, she felt nothing but ice coursing through her veins, with cold, logical cogs beginning to spin inside her calculating mind.

In front of her, the man stood silently, nonchalantly staring at the cool summer evening behind the Student Council office's glass wall. How he got inside their office, she didn't want to know. He hadn't made known his intentions or uttered any sound, but there was no doubt as to why he was here.

"We already made a deal." She started, her voice calm and monotonous, betraying none of the emotions she felt only a moment ago.

"We made mistakes, you and I," the man replied, not even turning to face her. "Nothing to be ashamed of, I assure you. After all, we are simply humans. We all make mistakes."

"You gave us your word." She pressed. "You said if we win the Senshado tournament, then you would spare our school from being decommissioned."

"I did, and that was my mistake." The man placed a hand on the glass wall. "Your mistake was not to put it in writing."

Without even realizing it, Anzu's hands balled into tight fists.

"Your word is your honor," she reminded him.

"And if it only was about honor, I wouldn't be here at all." He countered. "Such a wide-ranging deal simply could not be done in mere words. It must be put into... How do I phrase this... In a more permanent circumstance."

"Then why agree to a deal with us in the first place?"

The man finally turned to face her, revealing his usual black business suit, combed hair, and soft-framed glasses. In an everyday setting, he looked like a typical salary-man strolling in the busy streets of Tokyo. He looked like the full embodiment of bureaucracy and everything ill about it.

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