Chapter 6- Changes or the end?!

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Enlo dear peeps! Let's get right into the story! Also if you want me to add some love interests please do tell me :>


First person POV

The training camp ended, I had fun with all of my friends,and now our regular routine started. It was a Saturday morning and I woke up to the sound of Hinata screaming on top of his lungs. I sit up and look at him, luckily his mom was not in the house. I opened my eyes to see Hinata and Natsu looking at me in shook expressions.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he just pointed at me. I looked down to see something ghost form was faded. Before I looked like a normal human but can literally see through me. I can see the bedsheets through my hands. 'wtf-?' I thought to myself.

"(Y-y/n)-chan...a-are y-you d-d-disappearing?.." Hinata asked in a sad tone, Natsu and I looked at him. Silence was broken by Natsu.

"N-NO WAY I DONT WANT (Y/N)-CHAN TO GO AWAY!" Natsu said while crying, I went to her and hugged her while she continued to cry. Hinata didn't say anything and started messaging someone on his phone. I assumed it was others. It was about 5:30 am still an hour and half till practice. He told me to go to the gym. I had to lie Natsu about me and I felt sad. 'Time for more chaos then this...'

And now here I am fly-sitting in the Karasuno gym while others are there. They are looking at me without saying anything. Hinata didn't talk the whole time he reached here and just held his head down.

"I-i- am not sure what's happening...I just woke up like this..." I said looking at them.

"NO (Y/N)-CHAN YOU CAN'T DISAPPEAR!" Hinata screams as he is crying everyone looks at him in shock and then concerned faces. "AFTER ALL THE TIME WE SPENT TOGETHER I CAN'T LOSE YOU, NEITHER CAN ME OR THE TEAM OR ANYONE! P-P-PLEASE ST-TAY!"
Sugamama hugged him while he continued to cry.

"Hai hai everyone just because I am like this doesn't mean I am going away! Calm down Hinata! I am staying here don't worry" I said smiling and hinata calmed down a little.

"In the end don't forget she is-" "TSUKISHIMA KEI!" Tsukishima was going to say something we all hate and I, Dadchi and Sugamama screamed his name!

"She is right everyone! As long as she is not fading anymore she is here. Calm down Hinata" Takeda sensei said patting Hinata.

"Hinata-kun breathe and calm down" Kiyoko said to Hinata.

"See? Now let's practice shall we?! We are early and I wanna see your progress! Also Hinata I will set to you!" I said to him and his face lits up. I smile with others sighing in relief.

"All of you heard the kiddo! Now change and do your laps!" Everyone replies with hai and went to clubroom. Only Takeda sensei and Coach Ukai were in the gym with me.

"Kiddo since there is a chance you are going away I am gonna say this now"
I look at him as he continues "I am grateful for what you did for all of them. I enjoyed your company and I think it's time we let you know the truth.." he said as he looked at Takeda sensei.

"We actually wanted to adopt you as our daughter" he said and I look at him in shock. "But you know we can't the day you called us Papa and Dad we left happy. So yeah" he finishes and I hug them both.

The Ghost Crow | Haikyuu |Various x Fem!ghost!reader! | [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum