Chapter 13

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Philip sprinted across the beach towards Theodosia, "Theo!"Philip yelled, Theo turned her head from where she was sitting with Burr and a huge smile spread across her face, "PHILIP!" she got up from her seat and the two ran towards each other meeting each other with a tight hug. "I missed you so much!"Philip said. "I missed you too!"Theo tells him and she did, she really did.


"Look who's here!"John Laurens said taking Alexander to their friends, John Church was also sat with them and the Washington's. "Missouri Hamilton!" Lafayette cried out, Lafayette, Hercules and John Laurens pulled Alexander to what they call a 'bro hug' all piling on top of each other laughing. "Guys Stop!" Alex laughed. "Awe are we embarrassing you, in front of the boss?"John Laurens asked in a baby voice "Poor Little Alex!" "Don't mind us,"said Washington with amusement, Martha giggled a little seeing how the guys were behaving. "It's not just that, my wife's father is looking at us!"Alex snapped. Everyone turned their heads a little and see that Philip Schuyler was giving them odd looks. "Damn it, "Laurens cursed pouring himself a shot of vodka "He's never off my back." "Father in laws suck,"Alex said. Washington nodded a little causing Martha to hit him on the arm "George!"she gasped.

"Hey we should have a drinking contest,"Laurens said giggling a little mischievously. "Seriously?"Alex asked amused "We were just talking about how our Father in Law is intimidating and you want him to see us behaving like kids? No." "Come oooon!"Laurens begged "It'll be fun just like how we were in college before the wives and the kids!" "I bet Eliza would do it,"Said Mulligan "In fact I think all the Schuyler sisters would." "Eliza would not do it,"Alex said "I'll tell you that now." "I don't know,"said Burr "She was wild at karaoke the other night." "Ooh we need to see this wild Eliza!" Laurens said he turned to face the view of the lady's all sat at a table talking, Eliza was cuddling Johnny while Catherine was holding Lizzie.

"Yoooo hoooo!" Lafayette called out "SCHUYLER SISTERS!" the Schuyler sisters turned looking amused at the guys at the small bar. "How can we help you Lafayette?" Eliza asked. "Have some shots with us!"Laurens yelled. "YEAH!" yelled Mulligan. "Is that a challenge?"Peggy asked. "Oh you know it is baby!"Laurens laughed rather very loudly.

Alexander couldn't believe what he was witnessing his wife doing shots with his friends and boss... "Is that it?"Eliza asked. "'ve beaten Lafayette with 11 shots,"Alex said "I think that's enough." "Let her drink!"Angelica laughed "She's been pregnant 6 times!" Eliza giggled putting her glass down "No I think that's enough,"she said agreeing with Alex "But I have to say...It is fun letting my hair down."

Burr was watching Philip and Theodosia from a distance, who were stood by the sea laughing with each other. "Its hard isn't it?"Alex asked sitting down next to him. "Yeah..."Burr whispered it is hard seeing Theodosia growing up, especially with a boy. "Your sons a good kid," Burr tells Alexander with a small familiar smile "But if he ever Ever EVER! hurts Theo i'll kill him," he said simply with a shrug. "Oh he won't,"Alex said with a small smile looking at his fifteen year old son in front of him "I know he won't." "Alexander, Burr!" Washington said who looked rather tipsy "Have another drink with us!"he laughed. Alex and Burr shared an amused smile laughing slightly, "Shall we old friend?"Alex asked. Burr nodded a little with a smile "Go on."

Washington gave Burr a tight hug. "Are you alright sir?" Burr asked knowing he had quite a few to drink. "He's just drunk," said Martha chuckling a little shaking her head as she looked at her husband. "I'm just so happy you're friends again," Washington said with tears in his eyes. "Welcome back to the bros Bro,"said Herc. "BRO HUG!" John Laurens yelled.


Eliza walked over to Angie who was sat watching her other siblings and Theo playing by the sea, splashing each other laughing hysterically, Eliza was holding Lizzie to her chest and she sat down next to Angie surprisingly giving back her phone. "Why are you giving me this?"Angelica asked with slight shock. "I thought you might want to give Charlotte a call before dinner,"Eliza said gently "You know, have a little gossip, you have a lot to tell her." "Really?"Angelica asked with a wide smile. Eliza nodded "You've earned it,"she said, realising that Angelica hasn't mentioned Charlotte on the entire trip. Angelica gave Eliza a hug "Thank You Mom, Thank you!" she took her phone and ran off laughing to herself, excited to tell her friend all about the adventure she had with her family.

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