Chapter 12

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As promised Alexander picked everyone up the next day at 12pm and they were on the journey to their final destination of their trip. "Alexander whats going on?"Eliza asked as Alex was putting Lizzie into a brand new car seat "Where did you get that?" "Don't stress Betsy,"Alex said turning around and giving her a kiss on the lips "Lizzie can't travel to California without a car seat can she?" "But we have the spare one in the back," Eliza said, Alex scrunched his face up slightly. "She can't sit on that old thing! Can you Elizabeth?"he turned back to his daughter talking to her in a high pitched voice, finishing putting her straps over her arms, which was more successful then when he attempted with Johnny, who still preferred Eliza to buckle him in. Lizzie reached her tiny hands towards Alex cooing. "At least let me drive,"Eliza said. Alex looked at his wife horrified "Absolutely Not!"he said "You just gave birth yesterday Eliza, You're lucky enough that the hospital discharged you today, I'm driving." "But you drove for most of the trip and-" "No Eliza, I am driving, end of story."

The One hour Journey was far from peaceful, For the first 10 minutes Johnny fell asleep and during that Lizzie wouldn't stop crying and when Lizzie fell asleep Johnny got fussy and started to cry, this caused the first stop so both Eliza and Alex could sort them out. The next stop was for a light lunch as Lizzie needed feeding and Alex and Eliza didn't want the others top go hungry or eat too much as they know that there would be a lot of food later, and for the rest of the drive Johnny was singing a bunch of nursery rhymes at the top of his lungs, it was tough traveling with a Toddler and a baby.

"Are we nearly there yet?"AJ asked for the thousandth time, he couldn't bare to hear another version of Twinkle Twinkle little star. "AJ I told you 5 minutes ago, we're 30 minutes away,"Alex said who also looked exhausted from listening to a Toddler singing for 20 minutes flat. "I don't think I can listen to another Twinkle Twinkle little star again, or I'll go insane,"Philip mumbled.

"How about we listen to some music?"Eliza suggested.
"PLEASE!" AJ, Angie, Philip and James begged with desperate voices. With a chuckle Eliza puts on her Broadway Musical playlist onto the radio and the family started to sing along.

"5 hundred 25 thousand 6 hundred minutes. 5 hundred 25 Thousand moments so dear, 5 hundred 25 thousand 6 hundred Minutes, how do you measure, a year in the life?"

For the last 5 minutes of thr journey it was finally quite, as Johnny and Lizzie had fallen asleep which was a relief to: Alexander and Eliza.

They arrived in California, and Alexander pulled over to the Beach where the Family Gathering was being held by Eliza's parents. The BBQ was out and gazebos were up. Eliza couldn't contain her excitement as she sees all her family were there:

Her parents: Catherine and Philip Schuyler, her beloved sisters: Angelica and Peggy who were with their husband's: John Church and John Lawerns and their children: Catherine who is Angelica and John Churches daughter and is the same age as Philip, and Stephen, Peggy and John Laurens's son who is a year younger than James.

Alexander froze seeing who else was at the gathering, all of his friends: John Laurens who was expected to be there, Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan but Mr Washington and his Wife Martha was also there. "Eliza...what are they doing here?"Alex asked turning to look at his wife. Eliza had a small smile form onto her lips "I may of arranged a few things,"she said "You deserve to have some fun with your friends,"she said placing a hand onto Alex's knee "You deserve it." Alex gave Eliza a kiss "I love you so much,"he said "I don't deserve you." Eliza couldn't stop smiling "Oh I know,"she said.

Eliza felt tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran across the beach over to her sisters, her sisters she hasn't seen in what felt like such a long time: Angelica had moved to London with John Church and Catherine jr, and Peggy and John Lawerns have been so busy with family life and work they had no time to visit like how they used too.

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