Chapter 2

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"Where are we going?" Philip asked after Eliza had picked everyone up the next day, she was driving a different route then the usual way home. "Yeah this isn't the way home," James said.
"We are going to pick up Daddy!" Eliza said with an enthusiastic voice. "Um...why?" Philip asked "Dad doesn't finish until 5:30."
"That's because I spoke to Mr Washington this morning and he's letting him finish early and having a few days off as I have a surprise for all of you." All the children glance at each other with curiosity as Eliza continued to drive.

"Betsy what are you doing?" Alex asked as he got into the passenger seat, "Mr Washington said you needed me to finish early and have a few days off, is the baby alright?"
"The baby's fine," Eliza tells him gently "I wouldn't be here otherwise." Alex let's out a breath of relief but then grew with curiosity " Then...what is it? "He asked.
" You'll just have to wait and see, "she said in a sing song voice. Alex raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at the kids who were sat behind him looking as confused as he was.

Once everyone arrived home everyone didn't go their separate ways as normal. "So...what's the surprise?"Philip asked after 5 minutes of silence. "We are going to Calofonia for an official family gathering,"Eliza announced, however she seemed to be the only one excited by this and their was only silence in response as everyone stared at her. "Didn't you hear what I said?"Eliza asked with confusion she thought they would all be over the moon, "Calafonia!"she said with enthusiasm "Seeing your grandparents, Aunts and Cousins again on the beach!"
"That sounds amazing love,"Alex said "but I have a lot of work to do-" Eliza cuts Alex off "You always have alot of work to do..."she said quietly which made Alex feel really guilty. "Which is why you need a break,"Eliza added "I spoke to Mr Washington this morning and he's agreed that you need a few weeks off."
"A few weeks!?"Alex asked getting caught off guard, his eyes widening a little. "What do you expect?"Eliza asked "a road trip to Calafonia will take a few weeks to travel."
"Road trip!?"James asked hating the idea of being cramped inside of a car for days with arguing siblings and a toddler hitting his Stuffed Dinosaur in your face.
"We not flying?"Philip asked.
"Nope,"Eliza said popping the P as she spoke "Just two weeks of traveling as a family, with no studying, no phones,Tv and electronics of any kind and especially no work!" Everyone looked as if they had been shot in the stomach and blood was gushing out of their mouths causing them to struggle to speak. "N-no TV?"AJ asked with a stutter. "But Mom I need to Study for next year!"Philip protested.
"And I promised Charlotte I'll call her!"Angelica added.
"You've seen Charlotte for 24/7!"Eliza said "I'm sure she can understand that you have a family to spend time with." That immediately shuts Angelica up.

"Honey are you sure about this?"Alex asked concerned and hoping that she would change her mind. They were in the bedroom with Johnny playing with Rex sat on their bed, Eliza was starting to pack emptying her wardrobe and neatly folding her clothes into a suitcase. "Of course I am."Eliza responded "You've worked too hard Alex, you need to take a break."
"Its not just the work,"Alex said watching his wife walk around the room emptying drawers and cupboards "Its about you."
Eliza stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Alex "What about me?"she asked. Alex wrapped his arms around her neck "You're 8 months pregnant Betsy, are you sure you can travel for a couple of weeks?"
Eliza gave Alex a gentle smile and cupped his cheek "Alex...I'm fine,"she said "I promise,"she pecked him on the lips. Alex still didn't look convinced "You promise to tell me if anything happens?"he asked "I don't want you to go into a labour in the middle of nowhere." This caused Eliza to let out a laugh "I promise,"she said, even though she knew she will be just fine.
Everyone was soon packed up and ready to leave. Eliza had to check everyone's luggage to see if they've snuck any of their beloved items in, and nobody has...except Alex who had put a few papers in a zipped compartment. "Alexander Hamilton,"Eliza said taking out the pile of papers "What is this?"
Alex grew a bright red and bit his lip a little before he spoke "I don't know what they are doing in there,"he said obviously lying.
The children waiting by the front door with suitcases and luggage in hand couldn't help but giggle seeing their father get into trouble. "Dad!"Philip gasped "How could you?"
"If Dad can bring his papers can I at least bring my IPod?"Angelica asked looking ever so hopeful. "No,"Eliza said putting Alex's papers into a drawer for safe keeping "and Dads not brining his papers!"
Alex started to protest a little "But Eliza I-" Eliza turned to look at her husband with her eyes shining "Yes?"she asked with an adorable smile Alex adored so much, he eventually gave up with his slight protest "Yes Dear," Alex knew he couldn't win this fight.

The Hamilton Family Roadtrip {Modern AU}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant