Chapter 13

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The rest of the day went by well. We all played together during band and we got our first project. We need to perform a song in front of the class. We get extra credit if it is an original so that's what we are doing. The 5 of us are going to go to the old recording studio to practice. We are planning on going above and beyond by recording our song to send in early since Jake has taught me some of how to record.

After I get home from school I am barely home at all before telling Mom, since Dad isn't home, that I will be with my friends and I'll be back later. I take everything I need over to Kyra's house. Mr. Wentz (I'm gonna still be polite and call him Mr. Wentz rather than Pete even though he is probably used to getting referred to as Pete.) is going to pick us all up besides Bandit and drive us to the studio and stay there to help us. Bandit is just walking since she lives close and doesn't have anything to bring besides a mic.

Mr. Wentz pulls up. "Hey guys! Bronx told me you guys wanted a ride to the recording studio?" We all nod. As we are riding down their I type onto a note to show him when we get there "Thanks for the ride Mr. Wentz." We pull up and he helps us all get our stuff out and set up. I show him the phone. "You're welcome. You can just call me Pete by the way. What's your name and what do you play?" I type my answer onto my phone. "I'm Rachel Biersack and I play guitar. Jinxx and Jake say I'm pretty good at it especially for not having ever had lessons." He continues to help us set everything up and then proceeds to help us with fixing up some small parts of our song writing to make it sound better.

We had chosen one of the songs I had written to do as our first song. We might try and create more if this goes well. I began playing a part for it that I thought would sound good with the vocals. It is mostly singing because that's what Bandit could do but it has some screaming backing vocals because I will do those and I think they sound good. After a while I realize that everyone else is quiet. I blush and put down my guitar. "Wow that was amazing!" They all said in unison. I giggle in response to them all saying that at the same time.

"Could we use that as the guitar part for this song? Also, where it broke off was that a solo?" I nod. "Wow, your dad's bandmates were definitely telling the truth about your playing." I blush once again. I type into my phone a question for them all and send it to Kyra to read. "Can I record it?" They all nod and go into the other side of the glass wall leaving just me and my guitar. Pete visually counts me off to begin playing and I do. I play through it all the way exactly how I had planned and signaled for them to cut it off.

Then they come into the room clapping. "Are you happy with the way that sounded?" I nod. "Great! Bandit, do you want to do the vocals tonight as well?" She nods and so I follow them into the room. She starts when she hears the part of the music she is supposed to begin singing at and continues to sing exactly as fits. When she finished we went in clapping as well. After hearing the way everything else went together we were actually able to put together the whole song quickly (A/N: I know it doesn't actually work this quickly but I want it to.) Finally we have it all recorded. We listen to it and we are all smiling while listening to it. It actually sounds pretty good.

Pete listens in amazement. "Wow, this is really good! I wanted to add a new band to my record label and I want to know if you guys wanted to be it. Obviously, since you are all under 18 your parents would have to agree as well but you guys have the spot if you want it. Here is the CDs with your song on it." He hands us all a CD. "I'll give you all a ride home if you want. It's 8:30 by the way." Shit. My dad's gonna be pissed I stayed out so late without telling him. I see that same look on Kyra's face. I pull out my phone and text him I'm on my way and I see Kyra do the same.

We drop Bandit home and then Pete drops the three of us at my house. "I'll see you guys later." We all wave. Lex hugs us and then walks home. Kyra and I hug and then she kisses my cheek. I blush and we walk into our own houses. Dad looks pissed when I enter. I immediately begin stressing that I pissed him off so much and a few tears stream down my face without me meaning them to. He realizes and his expression softens and he walks over to me.

"Can I hug you?" I nod. "I was just worried because you didn't text or anything. Please text me next time if you are staying out after 8. What were you doing anyways?" "I'm sorry. Bronx Wentz, Bandit Way, Lex, Kyra, and I were recording a song that is due in a few weeks in band and we lost track of time. We finished it, do you want to listen to it?" "Sure. Lonny, Juliet! Do you guys want to come down and listen to the song Rachel recorded with her friends?" They both come down and I put it in the stereo.

When it finishes they all clap. "That was amazing!" I blush once again. "Thanks. Pete Wentz offered us a spot under DCD2 Records if we want until we could get picked up by a bigger label." "Wait seriously? You didn't tell me this before." "Yeah. He said he wanted another band on the label and even though our music is not his typical type he still liked it." "Awesome! I would totally sign for you to be under a recording contract with them if you want." I smile.

"So who is playing on what?" "I'm lead guitarist and I do most of the backing vocals especially the screaming, Bandit Way is the singer, Kyra is the bassist, Lex is the drummer, and Bronx Wentz is the rhythm guitarist. I completely wrote the lyrics and the lead guitar part for this song." "Wow that's awesome." "Yeah... I'm gonna go upstairs and do my homework now. I ate while I was out. Can I have my pills?" Dad nods and goes upstairs to grab them for me. I take them and then go upstairs to work on homework.

I didn't actually eat while we were out but I don't feel like eating after what the kids said at lunch. I pull out my homework and finish it. Afterwards, I take a shower and then put on a long sleeved pj shirt along with sweatpants. Then, I shuffle my music and fall asleep to Save Rock and Roll.

Saviour (Adopted by BVB) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ