Chapter 8

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"C-can I d-drive if you l-live close?" "Sure. Here." He hand me the keys and I get into the driver's seat. I once again have to adjust everything because of my height. He gives me the directions and I eventually pull up to his house. I hand him the keys and he goes inside. "Alice, I'm home! I have Andy's new kid as well." Alice comes into the living room. I forgot she was pregnant. I smile and wave at her. "Hey guys!" "Rachel and I are gonna work on music." "Sounds good, have fun!"

"W-when is the b-baby d-due?" "He's due in October." "T-that's cool." He leads me to the music room. "Here is a guitar, I'll have that one. Would you prefer me teach you section by section or just give you the written tab?" "I-I think the t-tab is f-fine I just will n-need your h-help probably splitting it up and t-timing it to b-begin with. Do you h-have it all w-written?" "No. Jake was having me come up with the bridge and guitar solo for this one. You can help me or I can do it depending on what you feel like when we get to it." "Okay."

Jinxx grabs his guitar and plays the first few measures at a slowed down speed. Then I copy him. Luckily I am actually pretty quick at learning guitar parts so I can do this within the first few tries. We continue on back and forth for a while and by the time we were done I had learned the first verse and the chorus at full speed. I had the second and third verse down at pretty close to full speed.

At around lunch time Alice had called us down to order sandwiches for lunch. I looked on the menu for the lowest calorie one and ordered it thankfully neither of them knew what I was doing. It was getting late and so we were going to meet them at a restaurant for dinner. "Do you want to take this guitar home with you or do you want to just practice on yours?" "I-If you don't m-mind me using y-yours would probably b-be better." "No problem. We'll bring it with us. Do you want to drive?" "No you can."

We go to the restaurant and we go to everyone else. "Hey!" CC appears extremely excited although he almost always does. I smile at them. You'll never fit in with them. They are famous and no one's going to like you. My smile turns from real to fake quickly. "Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick. If they come by for drinks I'm ordering a Dr. Pepper." I quickly crutch off to the bathroom. I go into one of the stalls and tears begin falling down my face. I decided to text Juliet. "Can you please come here?"

I don't wait for it to send and I quickly pull out one of the blades Andy didn't take. I had hid a few of them. I make a few cuts before putting it back in my pocket. Juliet comes in moments later. "What's wrong?" I type it onto my phone not trusting my voice right now. "You guys are all so famous. The fans will never like me. I can't do anything right. I'm gonna screw up the song." "Rachel calm down. Take deep breathes with me." I calm down a little and I allow her to hug me. Her arm hits where I just cut and I flinch away.

"Can I see your arm?" I shake my head no. She sighs. "Will you at least show one of the boys later?" I nod knowing it's not really an option. She helps me fix my makeup and then we go out. We get there and I have a few minutes to choose what I am eating before the waitress comes. I tell Andy I am going to get a veggie burger and he nods. They order and then they begin talking about music again. "How did today go?" "It went really well. Rachel learned almost the whole part written up to speed."

They continue talking and I zone off until food arrives. I begin eating and my sleeve slides down low enough Jake and Andy both see my new cuts. I quickly pull it down likely drawing more attention to myself. I begin eating my food and eventually we finish. I know they will ask me about it later but for now I hope no one else finds out.

They pay and I follow Jinxx to his car. He helps me grab the guitar case and a better amp and then brings it over to Andy's car for me. He puts it in the back and then I get into the seat. "Rachel, just so you know we are going to your school tomorrow morning. Also, Jake was going to come over for a while tonight." I nod and lean against the window. I begin humming the guitar tune. I hum through to the bridge what was written and then I continued humming something I thought sounded cool. I continued humming through and did the same thing with the solo. When I finish humming Andy smiles and asks me a question. "Did Jinxx come up with the bridge and solo today?" "No."

Eventually we get back to the house. "Here Jake and I will help you bring your stuff upstairs and then we want to talk to you." I nod and lead up to my room. Andy sets down the guitar case and I open it taking the guitar over to the stand for now. After putting it down I sit on the bed. Jake begins by asking me two questions very directly. "Did you eat lunch today with Jinxx? Also, why did you cut again today?" "Y-Yes I ate lunch." I tried to get away with only answering the first question sadly it didn't work when he continued to wait for my response to the second question.

"I cut again today because my thoughts got the better of me. My mind was telling me about how I would never fit in with you guys and your fans would all hate me and I couldn't take it. I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologize for your thoughts. Also, can you give me the blade you used and any more you hid?" "Sorry." I handed him the blade I used earlier and didn't make a move to grab any of the other ones. The look Jake gave me told me he knew I had more but he didn't say anything he just sighed.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone now. I'll be back before I go to bed." I nod. "Goodnight, Jake." "Night, Rachel. See you tomorrow." Once they leave my room I grab the guitar and begin figuring out the solo and bridge that I had created. I wrote them down. I then speed up the rest of the song to the same speed and get ready to try and play it with the solo and bridge I created. I liked the way it sound and so after playing it a few more times I set down the guitar for the night.

I turn on my normal playlist and fall asleep to The Mortician's Daughter. I am in no way ready for tomorrow but I will have to live with it.

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