Chapter 6

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Rachel's POV

We get there and the first thing I do when I get out of the car is type out that I really want to go to that school. Andy smiles and says that he will call them up later. We enter the mall and first go to Macy's (A/N: I don't know what stores are in California and I'm too lazy to look them up) so we can pick up everything that I need for my room. Then we headed to other stores to pick up other things for me.

We successfully get everything without them being recognized which is incredibly lucky. We get in the car and head to a restaurant for dinner. I finally came up with a plan so that I can eat very little and still get away with it. I decided I'm just going to get a small salad.

We get to the restaurant and order. Andy and Lonny look at me a little suspiciously when I just order a salad and I figure Jake must have mentioned his suspicions so I need to eat all of it otherwise they will have something to work off of. When our food comes I eat all of the salad with a struggle. It is hard now to eat a full meal because I've been eating so little.

After we finish eating we go back to the house. I go up to my room and Andy follows me up. He helps me set up my things. "I'm going to call the school. I'll see if we can get you started for a week from Monday." He calls the school and they pick up.

"Hello, this is Miss. Flack (A/N: Please don't kill me this hurt me enough I just couldn't come up with a name on my own. I almost used Miss Jackson which would have been hilarious since I actually have a teacher whose name is Miss. Jackson) attendance officer from LA Academy of the Arts. How may I help you?"

"Hello. My name is Andy Biersack and I would like to enroll my daughter, Rachel Biersack at your school. I would also like to have her name be written under Rachel Black because I haven't yet announced to my fans that she is my daughter."

"We would love to have her. If you don't mind I would love for you to come in before she is actually coming for class so we can get her enrolled in classes and place her."

"That would work wonderfully. We can come in Monday morning. I would like to start her on Monday, September 14th."

"That will work. I will see the two of you on Monday."

I look at Andy as he puts down his phone. I type into mine "Is the attendance lady's name really Miss. Flack?" He looks at me confused so I type into my phone "Fall Out Boy has a song which mentions a lady named Miss. Flack." "Oh. That makes since why you are questioning it. That's what I heard her say her name was. What bands do you listen to?"

I type out the long list: "I listen to Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Twenty Øne Piløts, IDK How But They Found Me, Weathers, Falling In Reverse, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Downer Inc., your solo music, All Time Low, Green Day, Queen, David Bowie, AC/DC, All American Rejects, The Backstreet Boys, KISS, Linkin Park, Paramore, The Beetles, The Killers, and Mötley Crüe."

"Damn. You like a lot of bands. How long have you liked BVB?" I type out "Yeah I listen to a lot of different music just like my dad did. I've listened to BVB for about a year now. I don't remember how I found the band but it definitely wasn't the same way as most of the other bands I listen to. Most were because my old friends recommended them to me."

"That's interesting. So Rachel, I have something to ask you. Jake said that he believes you have been starving yourself. I remember you didn't eat lunch today. Obviously I have no idea what you ate at the orphanage this morning but I noticed you chose the thing on the menu with the least calories. Are you?" I go to shake my head no but remember that one of the last things said to me by my mom was that I am a terrible liar so I just don't respond.

"I know it is hard but please begin eating again. I don't want anything bad to happen to you and both cutting and starving yourself are dangerous. Please just try for us, if not yourself, to stop both of them." I nod. I know agreeing means I will be monitored more closely for if I'm eating enough but I have the advantage that once I got to school they won't be able to monitor me.

"Do you have any family members that were Anorexic?" I nod once again. "Okay. Feel free to do what you want. Tomorrow we are going to Jake's house and I was planning on bringing you so don't stay up too late." I can't resist the urge right now to cut. I need to punish myself for eating the food. I know that I need to either wait until after they go to bed or do it quickly before because they will likely check on me before going to bed.

I decide to wait so I hobble over and grab my electric guitar. I go back to my bed and begin playing Saviour. It was the first song I played after meeting Andy and it feels really fitting for my relationship with him. Although Jake called 911 after the accident I probably would've still survived but if Andy didn't stop me yesterday I wouldn't even be alive right now.

You don't deserve to be alive. Your parents should've lived and not you. At least they were actually loved by people. No one loves you and you should just kill yourself. I get up quickly and go into the bathroom. I find a pill bottle. It has a lot of pills in it and I know exactly what to do. I hate pills but it doesn't stop me from swallowing 5 of them. I was going to take more but I knew I can't swallow many at a time.

As soon as I swallow them I regret it. I lean over the toilet and make myself throw up. I get up, brush my teeth, and then get ready for bed. Thankfully they haven't came to check on me so they don't know anything is wrong. I lay down in bed and turn on my sad songs playlist which is full of songs that have saved me before (A/N: I actually have a playlist like this. The only issue is when I forget about it) and then I lay in bed crying. I know I'm not going to sleep yet because I haven't gotten a good night of sleep in 3 weeks now. If I am not in my bed at home I can not fall asleep without struggling for hours.

Eventually Andy comes in. He goes over to my phone to turn off my music and realizes I'm still awake and that I am crying. "Rachel, what's wrong?" He hands me my phone. I type in "Is there any possibility Jake can come over please." He looks slightly upset that I ask for Jake rather than him but he nods and calls Jake.

Jake comes in and sees I've been crying. He tells Andy that he can leave. Andy hesitantly leaves the room and I type out into my phone "Jake. I couldn't take it anymore. I almost killed myself again." He gets a really shocked look on his face. He hugs me and then asks me to show him what I tried to use so he can take it away from me. I lead him to the bathroom and hand him the bottle of pills.

"How many did you take and did you throw them all up?" I type out "I only took 5 and I did throw them all up. Andy doesn't know yet please don't tell him." "Rachel you know I have to tell him. He has to make sure to keep things away from you that you can use to kill yourself so you won't." I nod and type "Can you please tell him. I can't bear to do it." "Yes I will. I'll tend him and then send him in. Afterwards I'm going to go back home. I'll see you tomorrow." I hug him before he leaves and then go back to laying in bed.

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