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King's Landing 298 AC.


She was more than excited for the day ahead, not only would Jon be spending time sparring with her and Lyanna but he had told them her that he had a surprise for her too. Whatever it was she couldn't wait for it and it was something that her father noticed as she hurriedly broke her fast. That he and Robb both teased her for her excitement made her feel as if both of them knew and were keeping it from her, but as she finished the last sausage she found she cared not.

"Arya, walk don't run." Elle said as she got up from the table.

"Sorry." she replied as she walked slowly to the door and then ran from there.

Arya had intended to run to Lyanna's room but she got no further than the end of the corridor before she saw Jon walking her way with two of his Kingsguard. Remembering her courtesies, something which both Maege and Elle told her was important and therefore something she actually put effort into, Arya walked to the king and attempted a curtsy, glaring at Jon for smirking at her.

"Pleased to meet you too, my lady." Jon said back and she mumbled as softly as she could though he still heard her call him stupid "I should send you to the dungeons." he said before mussing her hair and making her laugh.

"Can we go and get Lyanna J." she asked.

It was the one compromise she made with his name, Jaehaerys was a mouthful and Jae just didn't seem right to her. He was Jon and though she knew he was not, he always would be and she knew now she was not the only one who thought so. Robb had told her that he too saw their brother, not as the king or Jaehaerys Targaryen, even if he was both those things but as Jon, just like she did and Sansa did also. So Elle had suggested just calling him J, it worked for both she had said and so in public, and when she didn't slip up and call him Jon anyway, that's what she called him.

"She's waiting for us, come on little wolf, we've got a busy day ahead of us and you'll want your surprises too won't you?" Jon asked.

"Surprises? There's more than one?" she asked excitedly smiling when he nodded.

They walked from the Red Keep and out beyond the sparring grounds, Arya looking at him and frowning only to find he'd arranged somewhere quieter for them to spar. It was understandable, as each day he sparred he'd draw a crowd and while he'd told her that he partly did so on purpose, he also confided that he kept his true spars much more private. That she'd been invited to some of those too was she knew an honor as only family got to see Jon spar then. There were others even more secret than those that she knew no one did and she had wondered about those often.

"Lyanna." she said grinning as she ran over to her friend who was standing by the weapons rack, her mace already in her hand, and Arya happy to see there was more than one mace there.

Her friend went first, Jon spending time correcting Lyanna's stance and showing her why this one worked better than the other. She looked on as he showed her how to use the strikes against her to her advantage. Showing her how deflecting them away would unbalance an opponent and then explaining why movement was so important in a fight. By the time it was her turn, Arya was ready, overly so as she almost caught Jon with her first strike so eager had she been to begin.

"Don't use so much power, Arya, not right away, ease into it." Jon said.

"Why?" she asked curiously.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now