878 20 0

King's Landing 299 AC.


He was worried about him, so much so that not even being with Joanna and Jon could take his mind off of Jae. His daughter tried her best and Jaime went through the motions hoping that she didn't notice that he was barely there with her. Dacey noticed though and so his wife did her best to distract Joanna when Jaime was beginning to falter. The moment she noticed his mask slipping she was there to speak to Joanna about the picnic she'd been on and the ride she'd taken on the horse. Yet even hearing the excitement in his daughter's voice wasn't enough to stop his thoughts from going to Jae.

Things had been going so well, everyone had been so happy and then just like that the mood was changed completely. He understood why Aemon had said what he had and that Jae needed to know of it, but he shouldn't have simply gone to him and told him that he'd need to kill his wife. Not after the news Jae and Margaery had just shared with the realm. Gods, what was the man thinking? How did he think Jae was going to react to something like that? Especially when he'd been so very happy to find out he was to be a father. Jaime found himself smiling despite how worried he was as he thought of his own conversation with Jae and how he had been told that the realm was soon to have an heir.

"You wished to see me your grace?" he asked as he walked down the steps and into the sparring yard, the note bidding him come here still in his hand.

"Pick up a sword." Jae said and Jaime noticed there was a smile on his face when he said it.

"I had wished to break my fast with my wife and children." he said half-heartedly, he had but he had missed their morning spars which had almost turned into weekly or even less than that rather than daily events.

"Pick up the damn sword." Jae said with a chuckle that Jaime was soon sharing as nodded and picked the sword up.

The two of them moved together just as they always did, both of them anticipating the other's movements and countering them. It took some time for the first point to be earned and he almost laughed when he lost it, though it did focus him and within a moment he'd taken one back. The third and fourth were shared and Jaime felt he needed to up his game a little. So he moved faster and dodged a spinning strike from Jae before catching him with a riposte to the arm. Again the next two strikes were shared and with the scores at four to three in his favor, Jaime noticed how Jae moved even more determinedly and was surprised to be caught with a strike that he didn't see coming. What was even more surprising was that Jae then called a stop to the sparring.

"I find I don't wish to lose today nor to know if I can finally beat you." Jae said his breathing heavy.

"No, it would be a loss as always." he said to a loud laugh.

The two of them sat down, Jae pouring him a mug of water that he added ice to, and as he drank it Jaime found the drink to be more refreshing than usual.

"When did you start this?" he asked raising the mug.

"It was Martyn's idea, I'd not thought of it with the water." Jae said drinking his own.

"It's good." he said and Jae nodded, the two of them sitting in silence for a few moments.

"I'm to be a father, Jaime." Jae said making him almost choke on his drink.

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