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Eastwatch 301 AC.


As much as he'd have liked to spend all his time with Garin, there were duties he had to attend to while he was here as well. While most of their forces were made up of the Rhoynish, Free Folk, and some men from the North, men from the Crownlands had joined with them as had men from the Vale, along with the Princess's own men. So Loras had been tasked to arrange all of their forces as well as he could. Though the Princess and Prince Garin were more in charge than he, he had actually faced the dead and so mostly they deferred to him.

He had also ridden to the evacuation points more than once in order to ensure that they'd set up the system to allow for quick and untroubled loading of the ships if the need arose. That more than arranging the men at Eastwatch had taken up most of his time. The Free Folk didn't do organized and they were not a people that were keen to follow orders. More times than he could count he'd had to bring up Jae's name and speak about Hardhome. Even now Loras was finding himself losing his temper with a large group of them who'd not been at Hardhome, and who were the most reluctant to do as they were told.

"Ask it of those who were there. Ask them and then act how you are. I saw thousands fall only to rise again, men, women, or children it mattered not. You see an army standing between you and the Wall and what lies behind it and Aye we'll fight for you. But should they come then you'll need to play your part." he said angrily.

"These kneelers are trying to tell us what to do." a voice called out.

"Aye, they are. Why do you think that is? Why do you think these ships are here?" he asked to silence "The king wishes you safe and to do that you may have to leave. The easier that happens, the more lives will be saved, it's not kneeling to do as you're told, it's only kneeling if that's all you ever do." he said to some nods and shouts of agreement.

It was night by the time he made it back to his camp and Garin was off amongst the Water Wizards to help prepare them for the fight to come. So Loras made his way to the princess's camp and the Dragon's Breath. He wasn't stopped or even challenged until he reached the ship itself. Once he did, the Unsullied wouldn't allow him on board until they'd been given the go-ahead by Strong Belwas. Not even the fact of who he was would let him board the ship unchecked and he was glad to see the princess was taking such precautions.

When he reached the deck he was escorted down to the largest of the cabins and he found he'd arrived just in time for the evening meal. Daenerys was sitting and laughing at something that Aurane was saying while Belwas took his seat beside the Hound and didn't bother to announce his arrival. Loras chuckling to himself at how long it took for the princess to notice he was there, so wrapped up was she in her husband's conversation.

"Ser Loras, all is well?" Daenerys said when Aurane noticed him and whispered in her ear.

"It is, I just came by to check that you've had no issues settling in?" he asked and Daenerys laughed as she shook her head.

"Other than the cold, no. Some of the Free Folk have come by from time to time, mainly to check that Ellagon is still here and hasn't left them I believe. Were I a less confident person then I'd perhaps be miffed that they care more for my dragon than me." Daenerys said with her smile still on her face.

"Have you been to the evacuation point?" Aurane asked as he was bid to take a seat.

"I have and I've spoken to some of the more disagreeable among the Free Folk. Explained some things to them that they seem to have taken to heart." he said as Aurane nodded.

"They're a most unusual people are they not?" Daenerys asked.

"They follow their own rules, princess." Loras said as he paused before speaking again in a bad mummery of an older man's voice "The freedom to make my own mistakes." he said as the princess, Aurane, the Hound, and Belwas all looked to him confusedly. "It was something that Mance Rayder told his grace and I when we were Beyond the Wall." he added hoping that it cleared up their confusion only to find that it led to more questions.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now