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Riverrun 299/300 AC


He'd enjoyed his time in King's Landing but found just as his uncle was, he too looked forward to being in Riverrun. That they traveled by road rather than ship was something he and Summer were more than happy about too. It gave him more time sparring with his uncle who even after sparring with Jae, Barristan the Bold, and Arthur Dayne, was still his favorite sparring partner. With Brynden it was teaching and the learning of what not and what to do and he'd improved so much under his tutelage.

Knowing he was soon to be a lord had at first worried him as he'd thought that meant he was no longer to be his squire and that he'd then never earn his spurs. His uncle though soon set him right, while he was to be the Lord of Riverrun and its lands, Brynden was to be his regent until he came of age. So he'd still be able to serve under him while learning what it meant to be a lord at the same time. If he was diligent, kept to his studies, and did his duty as a squire, then there was a good chance he'd be knighted before he became a lord, something he very much looked forward to.

When he had been in King's Landing he'd been teased by Sansa about his betrothed, it was his own fault as he'd made the mistake of telling Sansa of their meeting and that he'd quite liked Myrcella. She was smart, funny, and if he had to be wed which Jon, Sansa, Brynden, and his father all said he did, then he was glad it was to someone like her. No that wasn't exactly true and that was the reason he got teased by his sister, he was glad it was her, Myrcella, and not someone else.

It took them a little less than a moon to travel the King's Road and then the River Road to Riverrun. He, Brynden, and the guards his father had assigned to him, men who would help set up his household guards before leaving to go back to Winterfell when they were sure all was well in his new keep. They'd spent most of their nights sleeping out under the stars and he'd felt a true squire traveling with his knight because of this. Summer had hunted and brought them fresh game and they'd been well supplied and it wasn't until they reached the Crossroads Inn that they'd spent a night under a roof. They then didn't do so again until they reached Stone Hedge and he'd met Lord Bracken and his daughters.

"Brynden you old goat." the Lord said when he greeted them.

"Jonos, good to see you old friend." his uncle replied.

"This your grandnephew?" Jonos asked.

"Lord Brandon Stark, the new lord of Riverrun and mine own squire." Brynden said as Jonos looked at him carefully.

"I'm honored to meet you Lord Bracken." he said softly as the man continued to look him over.

"You too Lord Brandon, your father is a good man, as is your cousin." Jonos said.

"You know Cregan, my lord?" he asked to a confused look from the man.

"His grace, lad." Jonos said and Bran was confused for a moment.

"Jae…his grace is my brother, my lord." he said to a warm smile from the lord.

"Then my apologies Lord Brandon, your brother is a good man." Jonos said and he nodded before Jonos motioned to his uncle "I hope this one is not too strict with you lad." Jonos said and received a friendly slap on his back from his uncle.

They'd been feasted and he'd found himself having to dance with two of Lord Bracken's youngest daughters both of whom were less friendly to him when they found out he was betrothed and he breathed a sigh of relief at that. Though he had enjoyed the food and the comfortable bed, he soon found he missed the road and so he was glad when they set off the next day, and finally they saw Riverrun itself.

He could feel his uncle's excitement beside him and Brynden sent one of the guards ahead to let the keep know that he'd be arriving within the hour. Bran found himself taking in the lands, his lands, and looking at the keep in the distance. It was an impressive sight he thought and he felt some nerves that he was to be responsible for it now and in the future. It was surrounded by water and as they rode to it his uncle told him that if it found itself under attack it could be cut off from the land making it hard to be taken directly. Bran listening eagerly as his uncle explained to him what they would need to do in a siege or in the case of a battle.

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