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King's Landing 298 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He moved into the room and looked on as Oberyn's spear moved through the air, Ned and Arthur stood fighting two guards as Jae headed for Illyrio, Aegon, and their guard. Jae hadn't even got more than a few steps when to his surprise, Illyrio stabbed his guard in the neck and then moved away leaving him face to face with Aegon. Before he had time to process it Aegon had already drawn Blackfyre and it and Dark Sister had begun to sing their song.

Aegon was clearly trained but whoever had done so had done a poor job or maybe it was a lack of talent in the student. Either way within a couple of clashes of the blades Jae felt he had this battle won, even shaking off the thought that just like the mummery Aegon was performing in claiming to be his brother, his lack of skills may be one also. Dodging a strike and seeing his uncle Ned on the ground, he decided to end this quickly and help wherever it was needed.

With a dodge and a feint, he moved inside of Aegon's defense and raising Dark Sister he crashed the hilt of the blade against the silver mask the mummer wore. Aegon crumbled to the ground and upon quickly glancing around Jae could see that Arthur and both his uncles were unharmed. He tried to get the boy to see sense but it was clear it was an impossible task and the next thing he knew there was green fire everywhere. A voice in his head called out and said blood was the key and so he once again opened the wound in his hand and watched as the fire went out. Looking down to the ground, in his confusion he saw a girl leaning down over Aegon's unconscious form.

Jae checked his armor and could see that the coloring had been burned away and yet the armor itself seemed intact other than some misshaping and melting which would need to be worked on. He hadn't actually even felt the fire as it swept over him, there was no heat from it and it hadn't seemed to have done any damage to him at all. Turning briefly from the girl and Aegon he could see that his uncles and Arthur were concerned and knew he had to put them at ease before he found out who this girl was.

"I am unhurt." he said simply before moving towards Aegon and the girl.

The girl had dark hair and gaunt features, she seemed no more than seven and ten, and yet Jae felt she was far older than that. A brief image of a girl standing where Illyrio had been a few moments came to him, something he was sure he'd seen from the corner of his eye as he had faced Aegon. Looking now at the girl he saw she was wearing Illyrio's clothes, the Magister's robes hanging loosely on her far to thin, for them anyway, body.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"A friend." the girl said standing up.

"Your name?" he said irritably.

"No One." the girl said and he heard Arthur and Oberyn move closer.

"She's a Faceless Man, your grace." Arthur said and Jae felt his fingers tighten around Dark Sister.

"Why are you here?" he asked and the girl looked at him.

"Valar Dohaeris." she said simply.

"Serve who?" Oberyn asked and the girl still looked at him, her eyes never leaving his own.

"The Prince that was Promised." she said catching him by surprise.

"I..don't…what?" he said as the girl stood up.

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