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Last Hearth 301 AC.

The Smalljon.

The last thing he'd expected to come back from King's Landing with was a betrothal. Had anyone said it to him before he and his father had traveled there then he'd have laughed his arse off. It hadn't even entered his mind that he'd be getting married soon. True his father had been hinting that it was time he considered it, but he'd not put any pressure on him to do so. He'd actually thought it was something he'd not have to worry about for another year or more at least, he'd even japed that Lyarra and Jojen would wed before he would. Something that didn't seem so funny now.

What would have been just as big a surprise to him was his bride-to-be. Never in all his life would he have thought that he'd be marrying a southern lady. He' not have thought his father would give him leave to do so. Was someone to name that lady a Frey too then they'd probably leave the room with a sore jaw. Yet once again the Old Gods were the only ones who made plans, well them and the king he thought with a wry smile, and Roslin was brought into his life.

Smart, funny, beautiful, and though a southern lady in every way, she was a lady that he had no doubt would thrive in the North. From his first meeting with her, he felt there was far more to her than the small delicate thing that she looked to be. The more time he spent with her, the more clear that was and by the time they'd reached the North he wasn't just pleased about their match, he was looking forward to it. So much so that he worried that when she saw Last Hearth and met his family it may put her off, may make her reconsider. Only to find just like he had with everything else about the lady, she was full of surprises.

"I know it's not as fancy as some of the keeps in the South." he said worriedly as he escorted her on a tour of his family home, her older brother behind them acting as chaperone.

"It has a northern charm." she said with a smile.

"My family may be a bit rough around the edges." he said nervously.

"Have you met many of mine?" she replied with a charming laugh that he couldn't help but join in with.

"The cold it doesn't bother you?" he asked to a shake of her head.

"Her grace was most gracious and gifted me this coat as an early wedding present and one I can very much see the need for. But to be honest I'd built it up as much worse in my mind." Roslin said her smile still on her face.

"I look forward to showing you more of the lands, my lady." he said almost stumbling over his words when she smiled even more truly at him.

She had easily charmed both of his uncles, his sisters, brothers, young Ned and Lyarra especially. His father had tested her and found she was not wanting in any regard and then when news came about the march to the Wall and to be ready, she'd surprised them all by suggesting they marry before she and the rest of the household marched to the ships. It caught them all by surprise, him most of all and he worried that it was some scheme or plot. Not because she was capable of such, but simply because of her eagerness for them to be wed.

He quickly found out it was not and that she wished to be part of his family and his wife before he left just because it was what she wanted. His father told him that it was a great idea and when Roslin told him that she had everything she needed to be wed here, the arrangements were quickly made. Now, here he was standing in front of the looking glass on the day of his wedding and he'd never been so nervous in his entire life.

"For fucks sake, she's only a woman." he said to his reflection and he shook his head and made his way to the Great Hall to break his fast.

He'd not made it more than halfway when he heard the commotion in the courtyard and hurried to see what it was that was going on. To say he was surprised to see the king, Arthur Dayne, and Jors Whitewolf standing talking to his uncle's and father would be an understatement and his first instinct was that something terrible had happened. Though the way they were laughing and japing with each other made it clear that this was a much more friendly visit which relaxed and unnerved him at the same time.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now