The Strength Of Friendship

Start from the beginning

Once class ended I walked outside, we had worked all the way to lunch. It was the same every day, we only did two classes a day for the first two weeks. Some of the teachers took a lot of time trying to get to know us. A lot of them had already heard of me because of my grades.

"Hey, queer boy."

Oh God, not him again. Anyone but HIM. Why do people always have to do this. Why does he always have to do this. Because I am dirty, that's why. I'm just a dirty, dirty slut.

I cringed at the name and was suddenly shoved against the wall. A fist made contact with my back and I banged my head off the wall. When I managed to turn around I saw Noah's friend Nathan behind me.

His dark brown hair and piercing green eyes were not attractive on him. He had a very harsh face and a permanent scowl creased his face. His nose was too big for his face and he always had black eyes and cuts on his face. Nathan fought with everyone, including teachers.

"Stay the hell away from Noah. He's not a queer like you." He said in the harshest way I could have imagined. His voice was as rough as nails and sounded threatening. He then kicked my leg and shoved me again. A rippling pain shot up my leg as I banged it against a wall.

"Did you hear me, queer boy?" Nathan asked as he leaned even closer to me. His breath was in my face and I wanted to gag. Cigarettes as well as alcohol was on his breath. I was almost used to it, but not always so close to my nose.

"Is everything okay here, gentlemen?"

The principal's voice echoed from behind Nathan. Ms. Andrews looked royally pissed and she was standing straighter than a ruler. Nathan, looked like he had just seen a ghost, his whole expression changed. From the look on Ms. Andrew's face, she had hoped to have that sort of reaction. A small smirk plastered her face.

"No, miss."

Nathan said, trying and failing to sound innocent. The principal just glared at him for a minute before she turned to me with a soft smile.

"Are you okay, Jesse?" She had a sympathetic tone to her voice.

"Yes miss, I'm okay."

My voice betrayed me. Showing how much pain I was in. I pushed myself off of the wall trying to keep myself upright. It was hard though, my ribs were sore and my legs had pins and needles. So I decided to stay near the wall for the duration.

"Move on Mr. Flynn. I shall see you in half an hour, now go get lunch."

Nathan scurried off. Ms. Andrews, walked over to me and told me to come to her if anything else happened. She smiled at me warmly before she walked off.

Oh God, fuck! What am I going to do. Noah will freak out. And then he will get into serious trouble. I have kept enough from him. I cannot keep this from him.

I limped my way to the cafeteria, the pain in my stomach only starting to subside. But now my leg was also cramping, from getting kicked a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately Noah was already at the table when I got there. He was looking around, concern crossing his face. And when he spotted me he relaxed, but not much.

"What the hell happened. Are you okay?"

His voice was loud and bordering on angry. I could see his eyes filling with the emotion too.

"Calm down, I'm okay. I just had a bit of a run in."

"A run in with who? Who kept you that long?"

He looked panic-stricken, it was not the first time he had looked so angry. The last time, he beat up the guy who had locked me in the boys toilets. I was there for an hour, but luckily lunch came and Noah had missed me. After they found out who did it, the boys received a suspension and Noah found them after school.

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