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This chapter will include time skips.

After the dance, Tae and Jin got even closer to each other.
They soon graduated and made plans for their future.
Taehyung had no doubt that Jin was the one he wanted to spend his life with.

Jin and Jimin had applied to the same college and when they received news that they were both accepted they jumped for joy.

They started looking at dorm rooms and also at nearby apartments.

Jungkook nor Taehyung applied to a college since their future was pretty much set and decided for them since their birth.

But they didn't want to be far apart from the men they deeply love. So they surprised them by buying a large house somewhat near their college.

It was fairly large and each couple could have their privacy and still be close enough to see each other daily.

Jin's parents objected at first, thinking that if they live together that Jin could possibly stray from his studies.
But they gave in when it was pretty obvious that they were going to do it regardless of what they wanted.

When they graduated, Tae's father wanted him to start his position at his company right away.
He felt he had already let Taehyung do as he pleased long enough and it was time to act like a grown up.

So Tae brought Jin to his parents house so he could meet them and let them know his intentions for him.
Jin was very nervous meeting them.

He knew they were very high class people and he came from working class. He expects them to not approve of their relationship and tell them that they already have a nice, young woman picked out for him to marry.
And that she is like

But when he went to their house to meet them, he was greeted with a big hug and was practically lifted off his feet.

They went inside and talked in a large family room.
Taehyung knew that his parents would love him.
Who wouldn't love him?

"Jin, I am so glad that our son met you and helped him change his ways. He avoided anything that resembled responsibility for so long, but since he has met you, he's like a different person.

I don't think he would have easily agreed to take his position if it wasn't for you. He would probably still be the immature, young spoiled brat like before." Tae's father said.

"Oh, I think maybe you give me too much credit.
I didn't really do anything special."

Tae's mother is enamored with Jin.

"Taehyung, you should have brought him around sooner.
He is such a humble person and he doesn't realize his worth. What are your plans after college Jinnie?"

"I'm hoping to work in a marketing firm.
If that doesn't work I would try to get some investors and open my own bakery. My mother comes from a long line of bakers but hasn't really worked in the field cause she worked several jobs to save for my college.

I learned from her and I think that is something that I could see myself doing as a career.
Just in case the marketing doesn't work out.
I think that's the one my parents want for me."

"I see, well I think you should follow the one that would make you the happiest. If you can picture yourself in a marketing career for years to come, then choose that one.

But if baking is what would make you happy to get up in the mornings, then maybe that's the one for you."

"I will see what happens once I graduate.
I still have a couple of years to choose."

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