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Jin's POV

After Tae left I walked inside the house. I didn't see Jimin so I assumed he was in my room.

I felt an agonizing pain in my chest and I bent down to try to catch my breath. I kept hearing Tae's last words to me replaying in my head. And fuck, it hurt.

I don't understand why. We weren't even dating. Why does it hurt knowing that he really didn't care enough to keep fighting for me?

Did he immediately go look for that skanky guy we saw at the fast food joint? Did he fuck him right away? God, why do I even care?

I couldn't control the tears that started falling. I was sobbing and I didn't know why.

I suddenly felt arms around my shoulder and he pulled me close to him.

"Let out Jinnie."

So I did, I cried like I've never cried before. I felt stupid and hopeless. I hated this feeling.

When I felt like I had cried everything out of my system, Jimin helped me up and we walked to my room. We both laid down on my bed holding onto each other.

"Do you feel better Jinnie?"

I took a big breath in and said, "Yeah, ha-ha.. I feel so stupid for crying. He wasn't even my boyfriend or anything like that."

"Just because you weren't official, it doesn't invalidate how you feel about him. You really like him Jinnie. And I don't know the reasons why you didn't date him. But, whether you want to admit it or not. You fell for him. And that's ok. It's a part of life. So don't feel bad."

We then sit in silence for a while and then he asks, "But why didn't you date him? He seems like he really cares about you."

"Cause he's the guy that broke all those hearts in school. Remember Mark and Lucas? When they were all sad in school and crying in the bathroom?"


"Tae's the one that broke their heart."

"I think I understand your reasoning. But Jin, just because he did that to them doesn't mean he'll do it to you. From what I remember they supposedly met the guy, that we now know is Tae, and they what? Dated maybe a week before they gave it up and he didn't see them again?"

"Yeah, I think that's what I heard."

"How long has he been trying to get with you?"

"Pretty much since we met them in the club."

"I don't think he would've done that for them. He probably would've just gave up and moved on. But he kept trying because he really likes you. He even went to our school and apologized to those boys. That should count for something."

I lay there thinking about what he just said.

And then he added, "Don't miss out on what could possibly be a great love just because you're scared. None of us are guaranteed a next day. We could drop dead in our sleep or get hit by a car on the way to school. We all take risks whenever we give our hearts away. You deserve a good guy who really loves you. And I'm pretty sure he does."

He then gets up and goes to the bathroom.

Fucking Jimin, making me think about things.

I end up falling asleep before Jimin comes out and wake up to an empty bed. When I get up and freshen up I walk downstairs and see him sitting on the sofa.

"Good morning Jinnie."

"Morning. How long have you been awake?"

"I'm not sure. I couldn't really sleep anyway. I got a text from Taehyung."

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