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Jin's POV

When I got home from skipping school, I expected my parents to be waiting by the door. Ready to whoop my butt. But luckily, no one was home. I am home alone alot lately. I know they are working hard so I can get into a good college.

But I would prefer they didn't work themselves to the bone. I guess that's another reason why I don't entertain the thought of being with Taehyung. Even though I sometimes really, really want to just jump on him and kiss him deep and maybe do a little more.

Everytime I catch myself slipping, and almost fall for his flirty little tactics. I think about all the hard work my parents are doing just so I could get into college. And it's like a cold shower.

I walk into my room and take a quick shower and change into some shorts and plain tee. I then walk into the kitchen to look for something to eat.

I find some leftover fried chicken and some noodles. So I heat those up and sit at the table to eat. I go through my social media accounts and just see the regular messages.

Jimin also posted a new picture where he's in bed with Jungkook and he's half naked. Seeing his abs makes me feel a little tingly. But I quickly scroll down. I don't need to have any impure thoughts of Jimin's new boy toy.

I then go through Tae's Instagram feed and see he posted quite a few pictures of us throughout the day. I get a little pissed off cause we're supposed to be in school. So I quickly call him up to complain.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Taehyung! Are you out of your mind? How could you post those pictures of us? They could be used as evidence!"

"Evidence? By who? Do you think our teachers are going through our Instagram accounts to see who is being bad?"

"I don't know, but I'd rather not find out. What if someone shows my parents?"

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think of that. Don't worry, I'll remove them."

"Thank you Taehyung. I appreciate it."

"No worries. I just really had fun with you today. And wanted to proudly show you off."

I start laughing at his remark.

"Oh Taehyung. You don't need to post pictures just to show off our friendship. But thank you for the thought."

"Jinnie, Jinnie, Jinnie.. I worry about you sometimes. I won't say anything else though. I guess I'll talk to you later. Knowing you, you'll probably go hunting down whatever homework will be due from your classmates.

"Psh! Whatever.. You don't know me. Goodnight."

I then hung up before he could reply. I knew he'd just say a smartass remark.

Now, I have to call up Hobi and ask him what the homework is.

Taehyung's POV

I can't believe that he hung up on me. I thought about calling him back, but I decided against it.

I get a text message from a guy I met last summer. He wants a quick hook-up.

If I remember correctly he was really good at sucking cock. Should I go for it? I honestly don't know if Jin will ever give me a chance. And I do have my needs.

I decide to call him up and just get some action tonight.

I pick him up at one of his friends house and we drive out to a secluded park.

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