Chapter 27: Hospital Visit

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath and began telling my parents about the horrible things that happened to me, leaving out the gory details for both Emily's and my own sake. I refused to look at them as I told them the story, I just held Emily and looked at Emily's hands as she played with her shirt. When I finished telling my story, I still didn't look at anybody in the room, just let the silence surround us all. My dad was the first to do something. He grabbed me and pulled me into him as he held me, Emily, and mom as he also pulled her into the hug. I cried on his shoulder as I let go of Emily and held onto my dad for dear life. We stayed like this for a long time, and I didn't want to let go of anybody. When I finally did let go, mom was the first to speak up. "I'm so proud of you honey, you're so strong for dealing with this. If you ever want to talk to any of us, you can call us at anytime, day or night." I nodded my head as I gave her a grateful smile. "When Bakugo called me, he said you had something you wanted to tell us. I had no idea it would be something this extreme. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Abby." I smiled at my dad as I pulled him into another hug. While we were hugging, dad whispered in my ear. "I'll keep you safe, now and forever, Abby. As long as I live I will protect you." I whispered in his ear a thank you as I pulled away. I turned to Emily, who had tears in her eyes. "The first time I heard that story, I was sad that you had to go through that on your own. Now that I'm hearing it again, I feel sad again. But if that hadn't happened to you before, you wouldn't have become the strong person you are now. You wouldn't be the big sister that wants to protect me from anything and everything that is bad. You want me to know there is bad in the world, but you want to only show me the good. If something bad hadn't happened to you, then you wouldn't have had your chance to be happy." I smiled at Emily. "Thanks, Emily." She nodded her head as she hugged me tightly.

I heard my mom's phone ringing, so she had to excuse herself from the room. The three of us sat here, just hugging each other. Shortly after mom left, she re-entered the room with a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry, Abby, but duty calls. Your dad and I have to go." I nodded my head and let dad get up. The two of them kissed my head, then kissed Emily's, and left. "I suppose they want me to take care of you, don't they?" Emily nodded her head excitedly as she grabbed a bag that I didn't notice her bring in. "Do you wanna play a game?" I giggled at how excited she was, before nodding my head as she pulled out a board game. When I saw what game it was, I smirked at her. "Ah, my greatest enemy. Monopoly." She giggled at me as she began setting it up, when we heard the door open again. "Are you playing a game without me? I'm hurt, Abby. Hurt." I giggled as I looked at Bakugo. "We're just setting it up, you can come play with us if you're going to pout like a child." He playfully glared at me as he sat down next to me right as Emily finished setting it up. 

~Time Skip~

"GOD DAMMIT!!" "WATCH YOUR FUCKING LANGUAGE, BAKUGO!!!" "YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO!!!" "SHUT UP!!! YOU STILL OWE ME $2,000!!!" "I DON'T HAVE $2,000!!!" "WELL THEN GIVE ME THAT PROPERTY!!!" "NEVER!!!" "THEN GO BANKRUPT SO I CAN WIN!!" "NEVER!!! I REFUSE TO LOSE!!!" "MAKE A CHOICE: GIVE ME THAT PROPERTY, OR GO BANKRUPT!!" "FINE I'LL GO BANKRUPT! YOU WIN! HAPPY?!" "YES, VERY MUCH, THANK YOU!" I laughed in victory as Bakugo laid his head on my bed in defeat. "You two do realize that I'm just in jail, right? Abby can still lose." Bakugo gave her a sad look. "Nobody can defeat Abby at Monopoly. It's scary how serious she is with this game." I laughed at him. "Coming from the guy who almost cried because he didn't have $2,000." Bakugo playfully glared at me. "That's different." I hummed at him as I gestured for Emily to make her final role before she had to pay to get out of jail. She somehow managed to roll a double, so she got out of jail while I rolled. I was on free parking, so I just had to roll a  5 or more to stay out of the minefield that is Emily's properties. I hesitantly rolled the dice. I rolled a three on one of them, and a six on the other. I moved nine places, and let Emily go. She was just out of jail, and I owned almost everything on that side. She owned one of the properties, but it was on the opposite side of the board she was on. She rolled the dice, and surprise, surprise, she landed on the railroad, which I owned all of them. She payed me what was due and we continued to play.

~Time Skip~

"Looks like I won." Emily had a look of defeat as she called bankruptcy, because she landed on the most expensive property I owned, which just so happened to be the  most expensive property on the board. Bakugo had landed on this one and didn't have enough money, and the same goes for Emily. They both refused to give me their properties, so they called bankruptcy, which resulted in my victory overall. Bakugo looked over at Emily, who looked sad that she had lost. "Told ya. Abby doesn't lose at Monopoly." Emily nodded her head sadly as she leaned her head on Bakugo's shoulder.

"So what do you guys want to do now? I don't want to play another round of Monopoly." All of us looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark outside. "I think you guys better go home. It's getting late." Bakugo nodded his head. "I'll walk your sister home." I smiled at Bakugo and thanked him as the two gathered their stuff together and got ready to leave. I waved as Bakugo and Emily walked out the door. As soon as they left, I had flashbacks of what happened to me, and whimpered loudly. Bakugo opened the door and peeked his head in. "Do you want me to stay here?" I nodded as Bakugo turned to who I assume was Emily, before both of them walked in the room. "Why are we staying behind, Baku? Is Abby afraid of the dark?" Bakugo smiled gently at Emily as he approached me. "In a way, you could say she is." Emily crawled onto the bed with me, and cuddled me. "Don't be scared, Abby Sissy, I'll be here so don't be scared." I smiled at Emily as she held me tightly. "Thank you Emily." I looked up at Bakugo. "I really apreciate it." Bakugo nodded his head with a gentle smile on his face as he got himself situated on the chair, looking extremely uncomfortable I might add. "Bakugo, you can sleep up here if the chair is too uncomfortable." Bakugo thanked me before falling asleep on the bed with me and Emily following shortly after.


I was very bored so I decided to do make this. I try and keep the crazy to a minimum, but sometimes I can't control my mind from flowing.

I hope you liked this chapter! If you did, please leave a vote on this chapter. If there was something you didn't like, or something that was wrong, please tell me in the comments.

Until I post next!


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