Chapter 24 - A Challenge At Our Doorstep

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Luna stood in place, staring at Raven in awe, waiting for Abby to finish looking her over, she wasn't going to rush in just yet, she knew Abby had to do her job. On the other side of the room, Clarke's grip on Lexa's hand tightened as she looked at her now awake best friend and she couldn't possibly be happier.

"Okay, Raven everything looks good. Well, as good as it can be considering, but you'll have to stay here a few more days obviously because of this leg of yours." Abby say pointing at Raven's knee with the pen she was using to scribble a few things on Raven's chart. Somehow Raven hadn't noticed her leg up until now and when she does, she feels sick to her stomach when she sees all the rods stuck into it. Seeing Raven panic, Abby knows she probably has to explain to Raven what was going on. "Raven, your knee ... it shattered in the crash, there's not much more to say about it. We did the best we can to reconstruct it with a few small plates and screws but I'm afraid you won't walk quite normally again."

Raven stared at Abby in disbelief as she took in her words and trying to swallow the lump in her throat, feeling her eyes become watery as her tears were threatening to fall. She shook her head, not wanting to believe a word Abby said but she knew it was true even though she didn't want it to be. She slammed her free hand on the open piece of mattress next to her as she yelled a series of 'Fucks!' that took the nurses aback as they both blinked their eyes in shock at each expletive.

Luna caught Raven's hand as her fist came down again. "Hey, stop love, stop."

"Let go of me!"

"No, Raven, breathe. It's going to be okay, breathe."

"I said let go of me!" Raven yelled again, trying to yank her arm out Luna's tight grip.

"And I said breathe you stubborn girl!"

Raven clenched her teeth but did as told and took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down as this news wasn't easy for her to accept in the slightest. When Raven finally calmed down, Luna quietly asked if she could speak to Abby in the hallway. When they got outside, Abby looked to her in anticipation, wondering what Luna could possibly have to say. "Dr. Griffin, I have this aunt whom is a brilliant surgeon and I'm not undermining the surgery you did on Raven, don't get me wrong. I was just wondering if you could maybe send some of Raven's x-rays and charts to my aunt at Ronald Reagan, she's the chief of surgery there, her names Anya Franko. I just want her to look at them, maybe ... just maybe there's a better ... I don't know, some procedure that could fix Raven's knee better. I'll cover all the costs involved no problem; I just want the best for her."

Abby smiled at Luna warmly, remembering how Raven talked to her about Luna when Clarke had already gone to bed while the Woods sisters were still in Paris. Raven considered Abby her mother and always had since her own mother never really played an active roll in her life. Abby now could see genuine care in Luna's eyes and she could hear the concern in her voice and it warmed her heart. She could see why and how the Woods sisters had captured both Clarke and Raven's hearts.

"Of course, I understand that you would want a second opinion from someone you trust. I'll send it to her as soon as possible Luna. Maybe she could give me a second opinion on some other surgeries that we have done and coming surgeries as well."

"Thank you Abby I really appreciate it. I'll call her now to just tell her that something is coming through. Thank you for treating Raven Dr. Griffin." Luna said truly grateful that Raven was in such capable hands.

"Just doing my job Luna. Raven is like my second daughter so beware." Abby says to Luna with a wink. "Now go, I'm sure Raven is angsty to see you. You girls have been away for a long time."

With a friendly smile, Luna leaves Dr. Griffin in the hallway and slowly walks back to Raven's room, wondering if she should just give in to her desire to kiss Raven right away or to just talk to her first. She opts to talk first just to scope it all out, maybe Raven had moved on from her and is no longer interested in starting a relationship with her as their many letters they exchanged stated.

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