One Shot

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Free Tonight?

" Oh, look at that one! I bet he hadn't even had his first kiss! " The girl beside me squeaked, making fun of the people that passed by.

I rolled my eyes and groaned internally. Why was being popular so silly? All I have to do was act being perfect and plastic. Sighing, I took my books and turned to the four other girls.

" I'll see you girls at lunch! " I mumbled and they nodded. " Of course, honey! See you. "

They were all kiss-ass and I hated it. I knew they're popular because me and they want to stay popular.

Chuckling dryly at their antiques, I made my way down the hallway, reaching the next building and bumped right into a hard chest. But before I could collapse, a hand gripped on my waist and held me from falling.

I peeked open my eyes to see a pair of soft brown eyes looking down at me nervously.

I knew those eyes. I knew that look.

" Are you okay? " Worry laced in his voice.

" Yeah, thanks. " I pushed myself to my feet and smiled at him. The boy instantly blushed, but tried to hide it by looking around. I chuckled and shook my head.

" I'll see you around, Peter. " I gave him a small wave and made my way to my class.

You couldn't just not adore that boy. He was sweet, kind, gentle and caring.
A nervous wreck, which was so damn cute. There was no way you wouldn't like him, he's literal angel and way out of my league. I've had my eyes on him ever since middle school, but being popular always got in the way and I hated it.

I still find myself staring at him when ever I can, but luckily, didn't get caught. Not that I care, but the girl group I hang out around does talk so loud, I don't want him hearing accidently and embarrassing myself.

As the lunch drawned, I trudged downstairs and made it to my locker, setting my books aside, I took different books and made my way to the cafeteria.

The girls waved at me, calling out my name loudly. Can they be any louder? I rolled my eyes at the boys that waved at me or winked my way. I absolutely hate my life right now.

I took my lunch and made my way to the so called group, sitting at a corner.
" Hey, girls! " I fake cheerily said.

" I hate that nerd. I know, always knowing answers. Who even does
that? " Cassidy bellowed snd I shook my head to myself.

What was wrong in knowing all the answers? Wasn't that called being smart? But than again, people here can be asswips.

" Oh my God! Can you believe that nerd is eye fucking Y/n right now?! " I frowned and followed her gaze, finding Peter looking my way. " Jeez, Liz. It's called staring to say the least. Don't go overboard. "

My head was quick to defend the boy and I sighed. " Yeah! He's not even cute. I don't think he's even for his first kiss or any girl has asked his number for that matter. Poor lad! "

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip in anger. I just wanted to slap her across the face till she sees stars, but I kept my calm.
" Y/n? What's with you? Your knuckles are white. "

I realised I've been gripping hard on my fork. " Cramps. " Liz made a strangled noise and I rolled my eyes.

" He's rumoured to have Stark internship, though! " I clenched my jaw hard. Can they get off his back already?

" Fake, all fake to get popular. Why would Tony freaking Stark get him as an intern? He's just a teenager. " Jess says and I smashed the food with my fork.

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