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The royal family of a neighboring kingdom was going to visit Camelot, and there was going to be a tournament and a banquet because of it, so everyone was busy.

That, of course, included Gwaine, who had to go hunting for the banquet along with Lancelot, Arthur and Merlin, and he was definitely not taking his daughter to a trip that would probably end in a battle.

He knew he could trust his friends, but Elyan and Percival had to train the newest knights so they can participate in the tournament.

Gwen would probably love to take care of little Katherine, but she was the one organizing everything, so she was too busy to take care of a baby. She offered to find someone that could babysit her, though, but he was not going to leave his daughter with some stranger in a kingdom that hated people like her.

-Is everyone too busy today? - he was so frustrated, he didn't notice Leon standing just behind him.

-I'll be supervising everything, but I can take care of Katherine if you want.

-Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! If she cries, try humming or talking, she likes to hear voices. I already fed her, and I'll be back by her dinner time, so that shouldn't be a problem. Take good care of her, please, and remember that, no matter what she does, she is still a baby. - that confused Leon, but he thought she might be a trouble maker like her father, even though Merlin had said a month ago that she was a good girl.

-Don't worry, she will be perfectly fine when you come back.

-I know, thank you, Leon. See you later, my little butterfly. - he kissed her little head and put her in Leon's arms.

-Why do you call her that? - he asked. 'Little angel', as Lancelot called her, was perfectly normal, but he was curious why Gwaine called her 'little butterfly'

-She likes butterflies. She smiles and laughs whenever she sees one. - it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole reason either.

-That's cute.

-Yeah, well she is cute, aren't you, Kathy?

-GWAINE! - Arthur shouted

-Gotta go. See you later, and thank you again. - he left, and the other knight looked at the girl

-So... Are you a little trouble maker like your father, or are you the good girl everyone says you are? - Leon asked the baby, who was staring at him, as if she could answer. She raised her little hand to touch Leon's beard, and he laughed. She kept staring at him with her big, curious eyes.


-Leon! - Gwen called - How is everything going? Oh, you're taking care of Gwaine's daughter. I hope she doesn't distract you too much...

-Not at all, she's been sleeping most of the time, and when she isn't, she's just staring at me or looking around.

-Hasn't she cried? - As if she had asked her to, the baby woke up and started to cry - No, no, no, don't cry... Don't cry, Katherine, please... - Leon laughed at the desperate tone the queen was using. The little girl calmed down and stared at the man that was holding her again, listening to his laughter - How did you do that?

-I don't know, I didn't do anything, I just laughed.

-Well, it seems like she likes your laughter then.

-Maybe. Anyway, they all are doing their job well, and I should go back to mine. See you later, Gwen.

-See you, Leon.


The knight was at his chambers, sitting on his bed with the girl in front of him. Most people had already finished their jobs, and Gwen told him that she could supervise those who hadn't, so he was waiting for Gwaine while playing with his friend's daughter, but she wasn't doing much, just stare at him.

-You're cute but a little creepy when you do that. I mean, you're seven months old, why do you stare at me instead of playing like any other baby? - She raised her arms and babbled, so the the man picked her up. She did what she could to hug him, wrapping her little arms around his neck. - You know, once I had a daughter. She was eight months when Morgana attacked. I watched her and her mother die. - his voice cracked as tears began to come out of his eyes - That witch gathered a lot of people and tried to make me and my knights join her. We thought that she was going to shoot us, but she shoot the people, she killed my family. I never told anybody about them, except Gwen, and maybe she told Morgana when she was still good.

>>When I asked your dad if you were his daughter, I already knew the answer, and I understand why he wanted to hide you from us, 'cause I did the same with them, but I'm glad that he didn't. I promise that I will protect you as I should have protected my own baby.

She felt the tears falling to her back and wanted to cheer him up, so she made appear around twenty butterflies that flew around them. He watched them, amazed, and then looked at her.

-You... You have magic... - he said. For a second, he didn't know what to do; an evil witch had taken his family from him, but in those little butterflies, he could see the baby's soul, a kind, innocent and loving soul - I won't let any harm come to you. - a knocking was heard, so he, with her in his arms, went to open the door, finding Gwaine.

-Hi, Leon. Did she give you any problems?

-No, she's an angel. A very special one.

-What do you mean? - the dark haired man asked, taking his daughter from Leon's arms.

-You know exactly what I mean. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

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