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Hiding his solitary silhouette
Sailing across mauve melancholy skies
Over a city below, to sunset
Where innocent grey eyes, slowly arise.

A curled little girl in rags sat alone
Dreaming of evenings lit by the moon
Near by his white beauty, grieving and
Grown, pegasus blooming in tales told
By a young heart hewn.

Reawakening his unbridled will
Upon the hillsides, glitteringly pale
Wide hazel irises silent and still
His draping mane of silver silk and tail.

The touch of evening's whispering clouds
Slowly slipping beyond navy nightfall
Pegasus proud his graceful head unbowed
Under Arcadian’s darkening thrall.

A glinting onyx bay denying dawn
Away to the mountains scattered up high
Mere mortals hunting appetites reborn
Beneath his enchanting be-loving sky.

In cities of tall shadowing towers
Avarice, malice and un-quenching greed
Lay woven into the earth's every flower
Beauty, a deathly sentence left to heed.

In The Depths Of Darkness (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now