A once penny plain life

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Gilded carriages and refined
grandfather clocks, holding
Tenacious time to ransom;
Sailors on sailing ships of
dreary docks, the men and
Craftsmanship so handsome.

Misty streets of vagabonds
and pick pockets, melting into
shadows so deep, eyeing the
loveliness of a slender neck and
silver locket, another's riches
they shall reap.

The splendour of gallant
ballrooms, the dancing ladies
and gentlemen; waltzing hearts
that loom, scripted together by
ink and pen.

Walking across meadows and
open fields, damp grass of
morning dew; a stranger one
may meet and yield, to their
delight, cheeks a rosy hue.

Letters of life and love, await
hands of pleading days, gazing
at skies above, such written
lines akin to sunny warming

Face to face were smiles to
glares, hours fading into
passion and devotion, where
a midnight tryst was never rare,
The morning awakening to a
beautifully roiling ocean.

Unhurriedly the world once
passed, gifting time to watch,
eye to eye, in years that grew
so vast, the art of time, over
the hill - endlessly awry.

The essence of language and
woven weeks, vanishing into a
defining daily grind, where lives
are all but meek, sweet stories
and fairy tales left behind.

The beauty of life so rustic,
bowing to the tethering of time.

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