Chapter 28: Birthday Treats

Start from the beginning


Harry jumped back in shock. Looking around the room, he could see it was set up much like it was for Gallatea's birthday, with decorations, a table full of food and presents, and a large group of people. All of his friends were there, as well as the three remaining founders, Lolide and Gaerwyn. Before he knew it he was being enveloped in a group hug. Pulling back, he was shocked to see Ardwick, Peeves and Christabel.

" What are you guys doing here?" he asked in delight, a broad grin on his face.

" Well, the others invited us. It was a good opportunity to see you again before you leave," Christabel told him as he was pulled over to the table by an overenthusiastic Gaerwyn.

" Harry, you have to have my present first," the young elf told him in her tongue, " I brought it especially from the elf world. I think you might like him."

The little girl let out a loud whistle, and a large golden bird came sailing through the window to land of Harry's shoulder. The Boy-Who-Lived gawped at the bird. It seemed sort of familiar.

" Is that a phoenix?"

" Yes! His name is Fawkes. I found him in the woods near our home. Isn't he beautiful?"

" He sure is, Gaerwyn. I love him, thank you."

" Well in return, you have to promise you will come and visit me after I leave."

" Of course I will! That's why you gave me the stone, remember!"

By this time the rest of the group were surrounding the table, picking at food and waiting for Harry to open more of his presents. From most of his friends he got little keepsakes from the founders' time. From Ginny he received a photograph album, similar to the one Gallatea had been given, with plenty of space for more pictures. Right at the front was a copy of the photo taken on the last day of term, with the whole school in it. The last photo was one of Harry sitting in the infirmary, Gaerwyn on his knee. He smiled at the thoughtful gift, and thanked the young redhead. When he came to Gallatea's gift he gasped in surprise. It was a new broom, similar to hers, handcrafted out of holly wood.

" 'Tea, this is marvelous! Did you make it yourself?"

" Well, my mother helped. It's not quite on the scale of a quidditch pitch, but I knew you needed a new broom, and it's at least as fast as your old one. It has protection charms on it as well, and an unbreakable charm."

" I don't know what to say…"

" You don't have to say anything," she said, before kissing him on the lips.

Looking more closely at the broom, Harry could see that it was decorated with shining silver letters, written in elvish. It read:

To my dearest Harry,

Happy sixteenth birthday,

Love Gallatea

" I take it your mother helped with the message?"

His girlfriend smiled sheepishly and nodded. The founders stepped forward and interrupted the duo. Gryffindor smiled at them before addressing Harry.

" Harry, Rowena, Helga and I would like to thank you for what you have done for us concerning Salazar. None of us even noticed there was anything wrong, yet you and your friends have been keeping an eye on him for months. I will never be able to repay you for your help in the Chamber of Secrets, and afterwards in the Great Hall. I would have been dead during the duel, and Salazar would have been free to take over. In gratitude for your bravery and loyalty, and as a birthday gift, we are giving you this room."

" This room?" Harry asked confused.

" Yes, this room. You are allowed to keep the room and its contents for as long as you like. Before you leave, I suggest you place anything from this time you wish to preserve, as well as the trophies you have earned here, in this room. All of the books on the shelves are yours as well. They have preservation charms on them, so at least they will survive until your time, even if no others of their kind do. I have keyed the room into a special system in the castle. If you ever need to get to it, just place your hand on any wall, state your name, and say 'Harry's Room' in Anglo-Saxon. A door to the room will appear, and disappear as soon as the door is closed. It works only for you and your three companions, so no-one else will be able to access it until you arrive at your next destination."

Harry didn't know what to say. He had a piece of Hogwarts that was given to him by the founders themselves, and no-one could take it away from him.

" I don't know what to say…Thank you doesn't seem enough."

" You're perfectly welcome, Harry."

Having finished opening presents, the group spent the rest of the evening having fun. There was loud music provided by Hermione's enchanted CD player. She had been working on it for months, trying to get it to work inside Hogwarts. She had only finished it a few weeks before and was happy to show it off. The Anglo-Saxons and the elves found it fascinating. By midnight the founders and the elves had gone to bed, telling the students not to stay up too late. As soon as the adults left, Ardwick and Peeves pulled out some crates of butterbeer and some bottles of Firewhiskey. Gallatea, sitting in her boyfriend's lap, started telling the boys off for bringing alcohol onto school grounds. Apart from Hermione she was the only one complaining, so she reluctantly gave in. By 2:30 am the whole group had had more alcohol than they should have. Harry and Gallatea were the worst, and had to hold on to each other for support as they made their way back to Ravenclaw Tower.

The next morning, Harry awoke with a frightful headache. That's the last time I drink alcohol, he thought. Snuggling in to the soft warmth next to him, he let out a soft moan when his pillow moved. Hang on, why is my pillow moving? Sitting up slightly, he looked down at where his pillow was. He was a little surprised when it started to groan. Pushing lightly, he turned the form over. Sleepy eyes looked back at him, before widening.



Both teens fell out of bed, screaming. After a moment, Harry looked down at himself to see he was wearing hardly any clothes. Moving around the bed, he saw Gallatea lying on the floor in a similar state. Panicked eyes met his.

" Harry?"

" Yes?"

" What do you remember from last night?"

Harry had to think hard. His memories were a little blurred, and the pounding in his head wasn't helping him think very clearly.

" I remember the party, and the presents, and the Firewhiskey. The last thing I remember is when we staggered back to Ravenclaw Tower. What about you?"

" Pretty much the same. We didn't…do anything, did we?"

" I don't know, I can't remember. I don't think so…," he said, not sounding very confident. Gallatea, seeing his nervousness, tried to calm him, even though on the inside she was panicking herself.

" We can't have done anything. I mean, we're still wearing undergarments. And I can't do anything like that; I'm not married yet…"

Harry nodded in agreement.

" We were probably too drunk to do anything besides pass out."

" I agree."

" Uhuh."

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Harry stood up and started heading to the bathroom.

" I'm going to take a shower. I think you should go back to your room incase anyone comes looking for us."

" Yes, I will. Harry?"

" Yes?"

" Don't tell anyone."

" I don't plan to."

" Good."

" Good."

Gallatea stood up as soon as Harry had left the room, heading back to her dorm. All the time the same thought was running through her head. I hope we didn't, but what if we did......

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