Chapter 10: Swords and Foils

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Seven that night found the four teens standing in front of the gargoyle, arguing over what the password could be.

"Well, it can't be sweets; Dumbledore's the only one who would think of using those," Ron pointed out.

"Even if it were, we don't know any kinds of sweets they have in this time," Hermione added.

"They may have the same sort as us."

"I doubt it, Ron."

"What sort of things does Gryffindor like?" Ginny asked.

"How are we supposed to know?"

"Well, you've probably read enough books on the subject, 'Mione."

"I don't think there are any books listing Godric Gryffindor's office passwords, Ron, not even in 'Hogwarts: a History'," Hermione stated, dryly.

"No need for sarcasm."

"I think you deserve it."

Oh, shut up."

" I will not shut up Ron Weasley!"

Ginny was the first to notice the amused figure standing in the now open door. She started giggling as Harry noticed too. The three stood and watched as Ron and Hermione threw insults at each other. Eventually, Hermione turned to storm off when she came face to face with the object of the argument. Blushing profusely, she started to stutter an apology. Before she could get anywhere, Gryffindor held his hand up to silence her.

"That's quite alright Hermione. Your dispute made for interesting listening. Now, if you'll follow me, I'll take you to the practice room."


Gryffindor led them up several flights of stairs in the direction of Gryffindor tower. It had been a while since Harry, Hermione and Ginny had had any reason to come to this part of the castle. Passing the entrance to the common room, the founder led them up a hidden flight of steps leading to a heavy wooden door.

"This will be your practice room. The password is 'amulet' and I expect you to remember it. You will be in this room for all of your extra lessons and feel free to make use of it any time you need to practice."

The four teens gaped at the sight that met their eyes as the door was pushed open. The room was large and round, with windows all around letting in the evening light. The floor was covered in the centre with thick straw mats for practicing on. Around the edge was a rich red carpet, dotted with plush gold lions. Desks and chairs were scattered around and the walls were covered with bookshelves.

"You mean we have free use of this room?" Hermione asked in disbelief, a grin breaking out on her face when she received a nod in reply.

"I suggest you come with me and choose yourselves some weapons. You'll have to get your own when you go to Hogsmeade later in the year, but for now you can choose some from the armoury."

He led them over to a small door off to one side. Inside was another room with wall to wall weapons. There were swords of all kinds, designed for different styles of fighting. One wall was dedicated to bows of different lengths and styles, with quivers full of arrows. One corner had many styles of knives and other blades. The four time travellers stared in shock as Gryffindor moved over to a case of swords and foils and asked them to choose one each.

Once they had all chosen, they were led back into the main room and arranged on the central mat. Gryffindor stood in front of them and held out his sword, one which Harry recognised as the sword he pulled form the Sorting Hat in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Now, I need you to listen very carefully. I won't have you playing around with the swords. They're very sharp, so I don't want to see any severed limbs. Ready?"

Receiving nods of agreement, the founder proceeded to show them a number of basic blocks and attack movements. The four seemed to pick them up fairly quickly and soon they had progressed to a mock duel, using the moves they had just learned. Harry and Ron went first.

"Now, I want Harry and Ron to stand here in the middle. Hermione, Ginevra, could you please move back onto the carpet? Right, off you go, but try not to hurt each other."

The two boys bowed slightly to each other and began the duel. It lasted about five minutes and their moves were a little clumsy, but they got better as they progressed. Ron soon had the upper hand and it was obvious the redhead had a talent for sword fighting. At least he has something of his own to be proud of, he might not be so jealous now, Harry thought, as Ron knocked the sword from his hand. Bowing to each other again, Ron let out a shout of triumph and a grin spread itself across his face.

Next came Hermione and Ginny. Their duel lasted a little longer, as neither had fully grasped the movements and both were at about the same level. Finally, after fifteen minutes, both girls laid down their swords and claimed the duel a draw. It was obvious that both were tired, not having the stamina yet to deal with a long duel. Gryffindor then let the group rest for a while before calling Ron and Hermione to duel. It was no contest, really. Hermione was still tired from her duel with Ginny, so Ron had the sword out of her hand in a matter of minutes. The last duel started soon after, with Harry soon getting the upper hand and managing to get Ginny to fall backwards onto the floor. He held the tip of his sword to her throat until she threw her sword to the ground in defeat. Grinning down at the disgruntled girl, he held his hand out to help her up, only to find himself pulled down on top of her. Blushing profusely, both stood and moved away from each other, leaving a laughing Ron and Hermione.

Once the four had calmed down, Gryffindor called it a night, reminding them to do their running in the morning and to practice what they had just learned the following lunch time. The teens all nodded wearily to the founder and headed back to their dorms for some well needed rest.

Amulet of time 1: The Age of The FoundersWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu