Start from the beginning

"Pick up your weapon girl, Tachiagaru! [Stand up!]" Her attacker says.

So that was it. She was only here for the battle. She is testing her strength or trying to make a point. Her teacher told her a long time ago that martial artist could communicate with their strikes, but she barely understood the language of this fox. She did not want to kill her, yet she attacked with such velocity. Tina considered that her attacker could be much stronger than this, but was only holding back for her sake.

She moved nearly too slow for the attacks that rained on her. Tina spent more energy deflecting blows than charging some of her own. She tried and succeeded in taking back control of her fox fire to breathe a little easier. She realized this fox was controlling everything, even her power. A thunder kitsune could control lightning even hers, thus why she was finding it difficult to breathe.

The battle got too serious making her slow her steps finding a second to take a deep breath, and she got control of her energy. Tina an attack swiping her sai as fast as she could but they were met with her attacker's Katana. No matter how fast Tina was she could not land a single bow on her attacker and yet it seems she was going easy on her.

For a second, the battle stopped. Tina had no blows coming in. She looked around her search for signs she was here, but found none. Her attacker lunged for her from above, this time catching her off guard. Tina raised her sai, crossing them above her, but the attack was too strong. The fox knocked her weapons off her hands before she could find strength to retrieve them; it was too late. Her attacker's blade was at her throat where it was before. She lost.

The worse part of her defeat was she could barely move. Was this it for her? She was going to die here. The one thought that haunted her was that she looked forward to it. She looked forward to living for centuries; she dreamed of all the fun she would have, but now she would never get to have any real fun.

"You control your fire as if it is some kind of weapon." Her attacker says pulling back her sword. "You are the fire, the fire is you. When you make peace with that, you will have a fighting chance against me."

The fox walked away from her, but before she left, she tried to talk.

"Who are you?" Tina coughed out.

"I am the one who will kill you. You must die with dignity. Prepare yourself till we meet again, Kitsune."

Her attacker was gone. She was lost in the shadows. Tina looked up, clutching her injured stomach. She had to heal. It had been ages since she was this beat up. Not even that wolf from Spain would have done this much damage. The full moon was coming and now she was sure not just the wolves would come for her.

* * *

Present Day Beacon Hills,

"Have fun with them English boys?" Lydia says as her car door beeps open.

She saw Kira from a distance clutching a bag pack and pulling a suitcase behind her. The silver belt that caught the sun made her stand out.

"Shut up, Lydia." Kira laughs and gives her a hug.

Kira was last at London and she had to fly down to Beacon Hills, but Lydia felt she must have been really busy since it took this long to reach her. If they hadn't come back to Beacon hills, they may have never reached her.

Lydia and Kira smiled at each other. Lydia was more intrigued about the fact that Kira did not look a day over nineteen in fact she could pass for a highschool junior but she was in her age grade. The myths were true then, a Kitsune could live for centuries.

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