#25: Crossovers!

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Hey fangirls!!

I guess I can just say we all LOVE crossovers, because most of us have several fandoms, and I quote some fangirls' thoughts: "I have too many fandoms"  NO YOU DON'T HEHEHE You're welcome in almost every single fandom, just be passionate about it or at least make sure you're serious about being in that fandom and not like: 'Yeah I kind of like it... Like I don't hate it so now I'm a fan, right?!"  BECAUSE I HATE THAT! UGH

Anyways, some of my favorite crossovers is seeing fanart of Loki and Thranduil standing together XD

I added a picture, I guess they're short and have nothing to do with the other parts in it XD so if you can't read it:

pic 1: Loki: "Poser"

pic 2: Thranduil: "Ew fat ass"

pic 3: Thranduil: "Bitch, exit is that way!"

Loki: "Shut thy filthy hole"    note: THRANDUIL IS NOT FILTHY AND LOKI IS NOT A BITCH!!!

pic 4: Thranduil: "DID YOU JUST CALL ME FAT!?"

Loki: "At least my eyebrows are not as thick as yours"

pic 5: T: "Ugh Thorin..."

L: "Yeah Thor..."

Pic 6: only a note that says: "Taylor Swift's 22 playing on the background" WHY WOULD THEY LISTEN TO GODDAMN TAYLOR SWIFT!?!?!? WTTTTFFFF

Anyways I still love it XD whahahha

So what is your favorite crossover?

I also love the thought of Frozen and Marvel crossover XD whahahah It's just hilarious XD

Also I somehow LOVE the crossover of Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit and My Little Pony... they actually made a video of that... XD IT IS SO HILARIOUS, SAM IS LIKE TALKING ABOUT FRIENDSHIP SO MUCH WAHAHHAHA XD

SuperWhoLock is strange, like Supernatural and Doctor Who fit together because of all the weird ass shit, but Sherlock and Supernatural kind of don't... well not a lot, besides the cases and gayness. BUT Sherlock and Doctor Who fit together because of the Britishnesss and the fact Sherlock and the Doctor are both geniuses and Dean and Sam and Cas are really... not genius... and totally American. (Except for the British Men of Letters "SPOILERSSSSS")

So yup...

that's it



50 Shades of Fandoms and Fangirls!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora