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October 31, 2023

Matthew Tkachuk's Limbo


Matthew Tkachuk awakens, the blood is gone, but he finds himself back in limbo. There is a creepy darkness and claustrophobic feeling to where he is. He gets up to his feet, slowly and carefully as he looks around him.

A purple mist manifests before him, gradually taking a solid form similar to a troll. It stops before Tkachuk and eyes him up and down.

"Matthew Tkachuk, welcome back to the state of limbo. You failed to succeed in your quest. You just wanted Elias Pettersson for yourself, but you hadn't considered Brock Boeser. The two of them bested you on Halloween night again," the troll creature growls out. "It sucks to suck. And sadly, for you, there are no second chances."

The troll leaves him alone.

Tkachuk's legs go numb. All of him falls numb. Then his numb, shaking legs give out and he collapses to the dark ground.

But he doesn't cry. No, he laughs. He cackles.

"Just giving me a nice challenge." His eyes flash with darkness. "I'll NEVER give up until Elias Pettersson is mine!"

With that, he throws his head back and cackles.

"Happy Halloween, Elias Pettersson." 

Vengeance: A Halloween NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now