Chapter 7

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October 28, 2023

Calgary, Canada

Matthew Tkachuk returns to Calgary. There's planning that needs to be done. He can't just be wandering around Vancouver anymore. He's not sure if Brock Boeser has figured out about his return being connected to the sudden disappearance and death of Elias Petterson, but he doesn't want to wait around to find out.

"Now that Pettersson is out of the way, trapped in limbo, I need to focus all my efforts on trying to find out who killed me."

Sure, when he'd returned to Calgary to bring Johnny Gaudreau's car back to him, the tiny man had been enraged. (Thankfully he'd woken up, gotten to a hospital, flushed his body with vital blood again and been okay.) And sure, he'd gotten a scolding from him as well from Elias Lindholm about faking a mission to see Elias Pettersson.

But neither of them questioned what he'd really gone to do. No one pressed him about if he'd actually gone to see Elias and what the purpose was.

If they had, Tkachuk was fully prepared to kill them both (or at least Lindholm, who knew that he'd gone to confront Elias).

So, he stands at the end of his raised dinner table, with his hands pressed firmly on the finished wood top, staring down at a black and white printed picture of the Vancouver crime scene. His murder.

"Who killed me on Halloween?"

He'd remain standing there, staring at that dismal picture for a good couple of hours.

Vengeance: A Halloween NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now