Chapter 8

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October 28, 2023

Elias Pettersson's Limbo

"Pretty much," Jason Dickinson remarks, gently putting a hand on Elias' shoulder. "He said something about how taking our blood could make him last for an entire night, so he could get to you."

"He made it seem like it was a forbidden love though, not a killing," Tyson remarks.

"And he certainly didn't read the book. Low reading comprehension, for sure," Kailer states, holding the book up, carelessly. "It says nothing about taking ALL the blood from a person like a deranged vampire."

Elias looks at each of them in the eyes as he speaks, "But what happened to him? All the staff would say is that there was an unfortunate accident that occured and took his life. And then Brock informed me about how Tkachuk was obsessed with me and he thought he was dangerous."

"Someone told me that he was shot by someone outside Rogers Arena on Halloween Night," Clayton says.

"Yeah, that's what Gabe told everyone on the Avalanche," Tyson agrees with a sharp head nod.

" what happened to me?" Elias inquires. "Can you, like, see into the real world and watch other people die?"

"Not exactly," Kailer remarks. "We just know when a new person comes. We can feel it."

Connor nods, a smile on his face. "Like I felt you arriving!"

"As for how you died, that's up to your memory or...I believe it's in the book," Kailer continues, passing Elias the book back.

The Canuck nods and takes it from him. He flips through, finding a section discussing revenge tactics and another talking about magic tricks or conjuring (this section is at least 50 pages long). Elias finally arrives at the next part, which discusses in detail about how he died, the date, the weapon used, the's like a dead record.

"Is this how it is for everyone?" Elias looks up and asks the five men around him.

"Yup!" Connor exclaims. "Died: Halloween 2021. Cause of death: Matthew Tkachuk draining the blood out of me like a vampire. Location: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, in an alleyway to the side of the party house."

Kailer looks at Elias. "Died: Christmas 2021. Cause of death: Same thing. Location: Connor McDavid's house in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada."

"Died: All-Star Weekend 2022. Cause of death: Tkachuk. Location: Phoenix, Arizona, coming home from a party." Clayton dips his head.

Tyson looks at Elias and strokes his chin as he says, "Died: Halloween 2022. Cause of death: Matthew Tkachuk's determination. Location: Denver, Colorado."

"Died: Halloween 2022. Cause of death: Matthew Tkachuk. Location: Dallas, Texas, during a party at Tyler Seguin's," Jason remarks.

Elias looks down at the book. "Died: October 27, 2023. Cause of death: A blindly, maddened Matthew Tkachuk attacking him at his house, kidnapping him and placing him on the railroad tracks to be hit by a speeding commuter train. Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada."

Kailer looks at Clayton and cringes. "Ouch."

Elias calmly shuts the book and looks at the people around him: a Coyote, an Oiler, an Avalanche player, a Star and a Kamloops Blazer player that was supposedly drafted by the Calgary Flames in 2020 (and make the team had he lived).

"What are you thinking, Pettersson?" Jason questions, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"There's got to be a way that we -- or at least I -- can return to Earth. I can stop Tkachuk and maybe even be able to save him. People do crazy shit for those they're in love with. If he was truly in love with me, deep down, he still does. If I can manage to snap him out of his murderous tendency, perhaps he'll give up and..."

"...kiss you?" Jason questions.

"This isn't a fairy tale, Elias, sorry," Clayton remarks. "I don't think that kid has one sensible, non-dangerous, evil bone in his body."

"Besides, the book talks about an eye-for-an-eye in every scenario," Kailer says, putting his hands on his hips. "Even if you were to get back and magically snap him to goodness...I mean...I know, because I read it. I read everything. I like to read!"

Elias nods and looks at them with a blistering sternness. "But still, I want to know WHY someone shot him and WHO. I don't know, but I just get the feeling, that deep down inside, the person who shot him had a good explanation for doing so and if we can stop Tkachuk, save him from his murderous thoughts and from finding out who and potentially tracking them down and killing the person, it'll be a win-win."

The five players share a look between one another. But it is Connor Zary who speaks from them all, "I'm game!"

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