She said it was just one dance (Kyungsoo)

Start from the beginning

"We should move." She said after a long minute in his arm. She didn't know if she liked it or not but she could assure that she wanted it for a little longer.

"Ya we should.." Kyungsoo said in a low voice looking at her eyes. Her eyes were looking at him, Kyungsoo could feel his hands being more secure around her, there was a bad feeling of letting go of her.

They stared at each other but none moved. It's so stupid but they didn't move.

"I feel drunk." Joyee just randomly said.

"Ohh do you? Want me to drop you off?"

"I can drive by myself." She said as she pushed him a little.

She moved away from him as his grip on her slowly loosened. Suddenly she leaned closer and stuffed her hand in his pocket.


"My car keys. Drive me to home."

"Don't wanna dance before you go?"

She stared at him for a while. She wants to dance with him, who wouldn't want to dance with someone this good looking but she had some other plans in her mind.

"It's just one dance then ok?"

Kyungsoo nodded. He could say she was really getting drunk little by little.

He reached out his hand and she slowly took his hand in her and he pulled her closer. He put her one palm on his shoulder and secure his one arm around her waist. They swang to the music slowly.

"Why were you avoiding that man?" He asked finally.

"Cause I like him."

"Then why avoiding him?"

She stopped dancing, she looked at him.

"That's a little bit funny story. I will tell you if you promise me to give ice cream."

Kyungsoo chuckled. He knew who she was, a famous fashion designer. Why would she need someone to buy her ice cream.

"I will but can't promise. Why don't you just buy for yourself?"

"I can't!!! I live alone so I must act mature and there where I fail.."

"Let's go.."

Kyungsoo dragged her out of the party and they hovered in her car.

"Hey I forgot to ask what are you?"

"Me?" He looked at her, she was hugging her knees and her curls fell over her legs. She looked pretty, prettier than previous minutes.

She nodded her head slowly.

"I am a chef. I have a small restaurant. If you want to get the best steaks just drop by near."

"Woaaa" She gasped and put her hands over her mouth.

"What's wrong with that?" He chuckled.

"You don't look like a chef!" She pouted and shook her head.

"Then what am I look like?"

"ICE CREAM!!!" She screamed.

"Ice cream?" He questioned with his brows frowned.

She pointed at outside with her fingers and he looked out where she was pointing at.

"Gooo buy for me!!" She whined. Kyungsoo stopped the car and went down.

"What flavor you want?"

"Pink and green color.." She said with too much enthusiasm.

"What are you? Five years old? That's strawberry and lemon flavor."

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