"Come on Leanna it was just a piece of bacon." He says.

"Yah but I really wanted to eat it." I whine sitting on one of the lobby couches.

"Come back to the table." he pleads.

"No I don't want to." he sighs. I cross my arms and then realize that I was mad because I didn't get the last bacon. I mentally face palm myself. Josh comes back 10 minutes later with a whole new plate of bacon. This is one of the reasons why I love him.

"Awwwwww!! Thanks and sorry." I say frowning. He smiles and shoves a strip of bacon in my mouth. I laugh and almost start choking on the bacon. Wow real smooth Leanna. After we all ate we checked out of the hotel and went in the car to start the trip again. Josh was going to drive this time with me in the front. I don't realize how tired I am until 10 minutes into the ride.

"How's your chest?" I ask him.

"It's ok it doesn't really hurt that much." he replies turning to me. He looks back into the rode and we sit there in silence. I decide to put my headphones in and I end up falling asleep.

Josh's POV

We drove the whole way there without stopping. The cabin was pretty big and nice. Leanna would love it but she's still sleeping in the car with Maggie and Zach. I go in the car and wake them all up. In the mean time I got slapped, yelled at, and punched multiple times. But they all ended up getting up. Everybody picked there own rooms in pairs. Leanna and I chose a room that was perfect. It had a window seat with cushions and it was an amazing view. There was even a hanging chair that Leanna loved. The room looked like a tree house. I go look at the bathroom to see Leanna sleeping on the bed. Funny thing is she's like halfway off of it. I walk over and put he legs back on the bed. I go to the other side and hop in with her tired from driving. It was like 5:00PM and I fell asleep.

Leanna's POV

I wake up and it's still pitch black outside. What the hell. I look at my phone and it say 5;37AM. Ok so I slept for like 10 hours and now I have to wait for morning. I go down stairs to the kitchen and start making some coffee. Yes I know it's early but oh well. I hear foot steps behind me. I turn around and see a sleepy eyed Emily.

"Dude is it me or is it like really dark out right now."

"It's not you." I laugh. "I think we fell asleep really early." she nods taking a seat at the island table. I raise a cup towards her and she nods. once I give her her coffee cup I sit down beside her.

"I wonder what we're gonna do today." she yawns.

"I think Blake said we were going to go skiing or snowboarding." I say and she nods. We waited about 4 hours just talking until one by one they each got up. Josh was last at 11. He runs down stairs panicked.

"Guys Leanna is gone!" He yells. They all start to laugh and then his eyes set one me.

"Oh." he says embarrassed. We ate breakfast and then got ready for the snow. Once we were done we all looked like fat little marshmallows. The ski place was only 2 minutes down the rode. I decided I was going to ski since snowboarding was hard. When everybody got there equipment we headed to the ski lift. I paired with Josh for the ride.

"I hate this part." Josh says squeezing my hand.

"Yah I can tell." I say motioning to his hand that was breaking mine.

"Sorry." he says with a goofy apologetic smile. I laugh and watch the people go down the hill. Finally we reach the end. I grab Josh's hand and we get off our seat. Josh was doing fine until I fell taking him down with me. We both lay there laughing hard. Next thing we know Maggie and Zach are falling behind us. Once everyone was off the lift we all tried to get down the hill without falling. I look over and Emily falls with her skiis. Me being the greatest friend I laugh. She glares at me but then I fall to. There was this guy behind me and his friends were falling to.

"Sorry." he says quickly with an embarrassed smile. I get up and say that it was ok. I go down the hill the rest of the way smoothly. Josh was a pro at snowboarding. I think his ego was growing everytime he went down a different hill.

"I think I'm gona try the black diamond." Josh announces proudly. I stare up all the way to the tallest mountain and it gives me the chills. I believe he could do it but it's really dangerous.

"Dude your really brave to do that one." The daredevil himself says. By the way that's Blake. Josh ended up going down it. We all watched from the bottom. He did good through most of the hill. But then I see him fall head first. My hands go over my mouth as I stare at him fall. I felt so helpless at the bottom of the hill. No one could help him. Finally he stopped tumbling down and I saw him just lay there. I didn't even look up at all to see what was happening. I buried my face in my hands and then I couldn't breath as I waited for someone to tell me it was going to be okay. That someone is usually Josh but under his circumstances, I doubt he'll be able to walk down the mountain and talk to me anytime soon. Maggie was trying to help by telling me that he was going to be fine but I barely heard a word. She suddenly shook my arm.

"Leanna they got him down." I jump up and run over to the stretcher Josh was currently on.

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