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She laughs. That's good! Levy seems nice, but she is super nervous around me. That's understandable I guess, but it's really not a big deal. I'm not scary or anything!

Oh my Mavis. Did Lucy Heartfilia really just offer me a car ride home..? That's insane!!! I shouldn't really take a ride from a stranger, but fuck it.

"You sure? I could just call an Uber or something, promise!"

"No I'm okay to take you!"

*sigh* "Okay I'm in! But can I at least pay for gas or something?" I ask politely.

"No don't worry about it."

I frown. No way I'm letting her be this nice without me doing anything in return. "I insist!" I happily yell, half jokingly.

"Well I insist harder!" She jokes back. This will be an interesting two hours...

"I'll treat us to dinner or something! C'mon please?" I whine. She laughed and nodded.

Lucy led me to her car, kindly sharing her umbrella with me. It was a very nice matte grey BMW. I don't know the model or whatever. I'm not a car guru or anything so don't ask.

She unlocks the car and I climb in the passenger seat. She has a nice ocean breeze car smelly thing on the air vent. The car is very tidy too.

"Hey mind if I use one of the chargers?" I ask. She nods and climbs in the driver seat, starting the car.

"So copilot, you're in charge of the radio! ..And also you need to get us to your house." Lucy says with a smile. She's honestly very pretty. No one really takes pictures of her up close, so you'd never really know... Natsu would be going crazy right now! Oh I can't wait to rub this in all their faces!

I didn't want the ride to be an awkward mess, so I told her to play some music and plug in the gps too. She put on her playlist of songs, but then said we'd be dropping her off at a friends' house. Alright same difference to me!

She plugs in the address and we strap our seatbelts. I pull out of the shopping center and we start driving North.

Time skip 45 minutes into driving. Same POV

We've been jamming out to songs. Every time it's a high note or a long belt, Levy looks over at me and stares. Not in a creepy way though!

It's quite obvious, but I keep my focus on the road nonetheless. Three of my songs have come on too, and we laugh whenever that happens. It's going great but I'm quite hungry..

"Levy I'm kinda hungry. Wanna take a break and grab something from a drive through?" I ask. She happily laughs.

"Sounds great. I'm paying okay!"

"Alright Levy.. I know better than to argue with you I guess.."

"Smart decision Lu."

I smile. Lu... It's a cute nickname! We made a pit stop at a chick-fil-a drive through. The rain has let up a little too which is good, but the highway has had bad traffic as usual.

A while back I saw Levy texting or something. I wanted to ask about it, but obviously I don't want to overstep anything!

Lucy parked in a parking spot and we began to eat a little. I wanted to talk more with her! I mean when does something like this happen?! Meeting an idol who also happens to be your your role model. Driving with them and having fun... just then, Lucy turned to me.

The Hooded IdolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin