★ jaemin and junkyu ❣

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─── ・ 。゚☆: jaemin and junkyu :☆゚. ───

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It was another boring day, full of classes with brief breaks in between. Lisa and Jaewon ran towards the cafeteria, wanting a snack before going to their tedious lecture. The brunette handed Lisa the money and waited outside, looking out for their professor.

If he was on his way to class, then it was their time to run to class. She tapped on her foot, humming a tune to herself. And that's when she heard it.

An ambulance wail cut through the chattering of the cafeteria, and the whole cafeteria went silent, exactly knowing what had happened. Sure, it could be the rare occasion of someone getting hurt, but in their university, the ambulance sirens only mean one thing.

Lisa ran towards Jaewon, handing her the paper bag containing her sandwich. She gave the younger a look, and Jaewon shook her head, disagreeing.

"No, we are not going," Jaewon stated, not wanting to know anything about the unfortunate incident that happened.

"Let's go." She pulled on the younger's hand, using her strength (which she had a lot of) to drag Jaewon towards the courtyard. The brunette leant back, trying to use her weight to stop her.

Jaewon tried her best to stop her from going and almost succeeded, until she heard the words of a student. "Dude, apparently it's Jaemin. I didn't know he had such problems." Jaewon quickly stood straight, walking towards the student, with Lisa confusedly following her.

"I am sorry. Who did you say it was?" Jaewon asked politely, keenly waiting for a response.


"As in Na Jaemin?"

"Yeah, the frat dude."

The scene that happened a few weeks ago filled Jaewon's head, her breath hitching as she remembered the words Jihoon said. It can't be. Jihoon probably had nothing to do with it. Lisa looked at the younger, both of them immediately thinking about Junkyu.


Lisa reached for her phone, calling Junkyu. "Kyu, where are you?" Lisa calmly asked, not knowing whether he knew about Jaemin. But with the crowd in the courtyard, there was no chance.

The female ended the call, looking at Jaewon with sad eyes. "He's in the courtyard." Lisa's voice cracked, and something told Jaewon that Junkyu was in a similar condition too.

The two wasted no time in running to the courtyard, trying to find their best friend. He needed them the most right now, and they made sure to be there for him. Lisa looked away as soon as she saw the police tape, and Jaewon sucked in a breath, looking in the direction to see if Junkyu was there.

"Junkyu!" She screamed, not caring about the stares she got. She searched around, finally spotting a figure kneeling on the ground. The fraternity shirt with his name gave it away. Pointing the direction to Lisa and walking towards the boy, Jaewon saw Jihoon crouching next to him, patting his back.

Jihoon looked up, catching his girlfriend's gaze. He gave her a sad smile, and Jaewon shook away every suspicion she had about him. No, my Jihoon cannot do anything like that. He quietly greeted and nodded towards Junkyu, urging them to do something.

He looked towards Lisa and immediately blocked the view of the scene, not wanting her to see it. "It will be better if you don't see it. You too," he spoke to the older before looking at his girlfriend.

Jaewon kneeled in the courtyard, leaning forward to see Junkyu's face. She placed her hand under his chin, turning to face her. He met her gaze, a tear falling from his eyes. Before she knew it, Junkyu threw his arms around her, burying his face in her neck as he cried.

And all she could do was pat his back as he let out his feelings.

Junkyu leant close, his mouth near the younger's ear. "Jaemin was completely fine. There was nothing wrong. Not as far as we knew," he whispered, pulling away to look at Jaewon. "You told me, Jaewon. About what Jihoon said," he continued, his voice drowned by the commotion in the courtyard.

She shook her head slightly, pulling Junkyu close again. "Don't do this to me now, Kyu. Please." She kept patting his back as the tears flowed down his face, dampening her shirt. "It can't be true, Kyu. It can't. You and I both know it, yeah?"

"There is still the possibility of it being true, Wonie."

Her grip around his frame tightened at his words. She looked up, letting out a sigh.

Please be false. Please be false. Please be false.


The university cancelled everyone's classes for the rest of the week, letting the students recover from the incident. Lisa and Jaewon packed their bags, deciding to stay with Junkyu for a few days, considering he lived alone in his apartment. He really shouldn't be alone during this period.

They arrived at Junkyu's apartment, ringing the doorbell, avoiding the gazes of his nosy neighbors. Soon enough, Junkyu opened the door and let them in, confusedly looking at them.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and Lisa gasped, offended.

"Dude, I told you—"

Junkyu huffed, annoyed. "Yeah, I know about you. Why are you here?" He asked again, looking at Jaewon. Her eyes widened, thinking why the heck her best friend was speaking to her like that.

"Should I go?"

"No." The older shook his head, biting his lip. "It's just — does Jihoon know you are here?" He inquired, and Jaewon was beyond confusion at this point.

She shook her head slowly. "He didn't pick my, uh, call. I'll tell him later." She observed Junkyu's behaviour, which seemed different from normal.

"Call him now," Junkyu demanded, startling Lisa as she never saw that side of him before.

"Junkyu, it's fine. I'll do it—"

"Just call him, jeez." He snapped, and Jaewon visibly cowered away. "He won't let you stay; I know it."

Jaewon rolled her eyes at the comment. Sure, Jihoon is a little protective, but he won't keep me away from Junkyu. "I am a wholeass adult, Junkyu. I can do whatever I want," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Call and see." He took a deep breath, controlling himself from getting angrier. But Jaewon was already contemplating on leaving the house.

If he didn't want me, then I might as well leave.

"Actually," she paused, deciding her choice. "I don't need Jihoon's opinion. I came here because Lisa and I were worried about you staying alone. But since you don't want me here, I might as well leave." She grabbed the bags she kept down, holding back her tears.

But it seemed difficult with the next set of words Junkyu said. "Oh, jolly fucking good. I'll call you a cab." He had a sarcastic smile on his face, disheartening Jaewon more than she already was.

What is wrong with you, Junkyu? And what did I do wrong?

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