★ the park ❣

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─── ・ 。゚☆: the park :☆゚. ───

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Arriving at Jaewon's favorite establishment within the university premises, she took a deep breath, inhaling the aromatic coffee smell.

"Ah, this is refreshing," the female muttered to herself, ignoring Jihoon laughing at her words.

He sighed, walking to the counter to order their drinks. "I don't know how you function with this stuff in your system," he said.

"Magic," Jaewon sang, walking away to find them a table.

After finding the perfect spot near the window, Jaewon sat down and stared at Jihoon, who was waiting for their orders. She watched the boy goofily smile and do some funny moves, trying to get the younger to laugh. Unable to contain her laugh, she smiled lightly before her mind ran back to the events of the night before.

The images of Jihoon with the shovel and rose ran through her mind, with the words he spoke repeating in a loop. Jaewon shook it off her head right as Jihoon came to their table with their drinks and baked goods.

"What did you get?" She asked, taking a bite of her pastry.

"Vanilla milkshake and a donut," he replied, placing his plate in front of hers as she sat down.

Jaewon smiled, pointing a finger at Jihoon. "One of these days," she started, seeing Jihoon stare at her questioningly. "One of these days, I will make you love coffee."

"When fish fly, maybe then you will." Jihoon grinned before sipping his milkshake.

"Do you know there are actually flying fish, right?" She looked at Jihoon to see if he knew, but seeing his shocked face, she realised he didn't. "And the actual term is 'when pigs fly', but it's alright."

Gulping down the last of her cappuccino, Jaewon saw Jihoon grab her bag and gave his usual charming smile. They walked out of the café together, his free hand holding hers. Even after being together for a few years, the insignificant gesture still made her butterflies come alive.

"The park?" He asked out of the blue, and it doesn't take her even a second to respond.

"Yes, please!" Jaewon paused, realising that he might have lectures. "Wait, don't you have any classes?"

Jihoon shook his head, causing her to smile. Yay, the park. It didn't take them long to get to the park, and they joined their usual pathway. They walked along the path, talking about any topic they could think of.

"The dogs are so cute. You reckon I can get one in my dorm? Ooh, I really want a dog," Jaewon rambled, her grip on Jihoon's hand tightening as she got excited.

Jihoon's smiled widened as he noticed her excitement, looking at the dogs and then at the younger. "I mean, your dorms allow pets, and Lisa likes them." He paused, causing his girlfriend to look at him intently. "So, I guess we can figure out something."

"You are amazing." Jihoon laughed at her words, shaking his head in denial. "No, seriously you are-" Jaewon got cut off as a man bumped against her shoulders, causing the couple to stumble.

Thankfully, Jihoon could stop her fall, and the man stood — despite being drunk off his butt. Jaewon muttered an apology and went to walk away, with Jihoon following behind, until the drunken man spoke.

"You should look where you are going, woman!" The man slurred, and Jaewon knew then that it would be difficult to get Jihoon away from there.

"Excuse me? I think I clearly heard her apologise, and this is how you talk?!" Jihoon snapped, not budging from his spot even though the female tried pulling him away.

"Look, mister." The drunk man pointed a finger at Jihoon. "This is between me and the lady. You have no say in this!"

"That's my girlfriend, so yeah, I have a say in this."

"Look, if the dumb bitch is bli-"

Jaewon's grip on Jihoon did nothing as he pulled away, throwing a punch at the man. He fell to the ground, this time with a bloody nose. Before Jihoon could do anything else, the brunette stood between the two, holding onto Jihoon's arm.

The people walking by slow down as they pass by, trying to understand what was happening. Jaewon tried pulling Jihoon away, the tears already making their way down her face.

"Let's go, Jihoon, please," she begged, pulling Jihoon away before he could hear more of the drunken man's profanities.

"You are okay, right?" He pulled the younger to the side, holding her face as he looked into her eyes.

Jaewon nodded, wiping away the tears on her face. "He just bumped into me, it's fine. I was more worried about someone calling the cops on you," she confessed, placing her hands in his.

"You could've fallen and gotten hurt, Jaewon-ah. He was wrong, so he can't call the police on me."

"But you still punched him when all he did was accidentally bump against me."

"I consider that a crime."

Jaewon laughed through the tears, placing a small kiss on his hands. "Of course, you do," she mumbled, smiling at him before apologising. "I'm sorry for being overly dramatic and crying. I try not to, but I just couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt or in trouble."

Jihoon smiled, nodding. "You won't lose me, Jaewonie. I will be with you forever."

He stuck to his promise. Even when I didn't want him, he was with me. Just like he promised.

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